Message from NewZealandニュージーランドからのメッセージ
From NZ (Ayane)
Hello, everyone. How have you been? My name is Ayane. I go to Bream Bay College and I’m a year 11 student. My stay in New Zealand is almost done and the day when we go back to Japan is coming day by day. After coming this far, I thought again that every day I spent in New Zealand is very important for me and I am grateful to all of my friends, teachers and family.
First, I would like to talk about my life with my friends at school. Honestly, I was worried that the students had already made friends and groups before I came here, but a lot of people talked to me and let me join their groups. I’ve made a lot of friends in New Zealand, and especially two of my besties are often with me and we talk a lot. One of them is from Philippines, and the other is Kiwi. They both are native English speakers, so they often teach me English. We often talk about anime, manga, our lifestyles, our culture, and so on. I was so surprised that there are a lot of cultural differences between New Zealand, Japan, and other countries. And we love handsome celebrities, so we often share the information with each other when we find a handsome guy.(lol) However, we often have an honest discussion when we have a different way of thinking and different values, or when we cannot agree with each other’s opinions. In New Zealand, I think that there are a lot of people who express their real intention to other people and that they tend not to dwell on their complicated feelings towards each other. So I try to tell my feelings to others, listen to them carefully, and consider what I can learn from them. Before coming to New Zealand, I thought that true kindness meant passively accepting everything and being patient. I can’t declare this is completely wrong, but sometimes by actively sharing our opinions and understanding each other, we can build deeper relationships with others and learn so many things from these discussions. I think that it will lead to good development and growth.
Second, I’ll talk about how my ways of thinking have changed. When I started to live in New Zealand, I was thinking too much about everything and this led me to become negative. When I talked with people, I often cared about evaluations from them and I was nervous, so I was not good at talking about myself to others. My host mother always listened to me and gave me some advice when I was worried about my school life and I didn’t know how to adapt to New Zealand. My host sister said to me, “Don’t be shy, Ayane” in the car when I went to school for the first time. She is five years old (12 years younger than me!), but she is mature and she gave me a lot of courage. Thanks to my host family, I was able to change my mind positively.
I’d like to thank my family who always watched over me. I thank them for letting me experience this precious life abroad. Honestly, it wasn’t all fun and I had some rough times. I’ve felt homesick a couple of times. However, leaving the small world of Japan, I’ve come to able to think objectively from a wider perspective.
To my mother and grandmother, I swear to make a lunch after I go back to Japan!!
Thank you for reading my essay. Please take care.
From NZ (Utano)
Living as Me Utano
“Living as me.” This is my answer I’ve found through my studying abroad experience in New Zealand. I’ve got over a lot of challenges so far and learnt so many important things for me at 17. I cried a lot, lost myself a lot of times, and smiled a lot. Anyway, what is this answer for? I’m sure that you will know it through reading this essay and I hope you will realize what is important for each of you. I’m going to explain my answer with my memories from now.
“What’s your dream?” “What do you want to be in the future?” I didn’t like to be asked these questions. When I was younger, I was asked these questions by many adults, and I had to answer them. I don’t mean that I had no dreams or no hopes for my future, but it was really hard for me to say what I wanted to do in the future aloud. Actually, I was always a curious child, and there were lots of things I really liked to do or I was really interested in. Singing, dancing, painting, writing, and more things make me so happy. When I was little, all things around me were new to me. I had no idea what was going to happen. It was true that I was a little bit nervous to start something new, but at the same time, I was very excited every time I tried and learned new things. That’s why I was so outgoing and active. Sometimes I was selfish, but overall, I always felt happy. However, as time went by, I was getting afraid to try new things, becoming negative and weak-willed. I was also getting sensitive as I became older. I always cared for others too much and overthought about everything happening around me in a negative way. Even when I was doing what I liked, I couldn’t enjoy it from the bottom my heart because I wondered what other people thought of me. I was embarrassed to show my skills of what I was good at. Looking back, I think I was overthinking, but I’m sure that there are lots of people who used to be like me or who are still like this now.
Living with other people is necessary in order to grow, and it’s really important to get to know other people. However, we can tend to compare ourselves to others. That’s why people are afraid to try new things and make mistakes. Many people think making mistakes is so bad and try to hide the mistakes from others. I was one of these people and I became a negative person without courage. When I was asked the question, “What do you want to do in the future?” I couldn’t answer the question, even though I knew what I was interested in. That’s sad.
However, since I came to New Zealand and started to live in a new community I know nothing about, my mindset has totally changed for the better. Especially, I was so surprised at how courageous kiwi kids are through school life in NZ. People of the same age as me looked so mature and they are all independent. In New Zealand schools, students are allowed to choose classes they want to take. That means that students can learn subjects which interest them from an early age looking to their own future. In Japan, we have a lot of compulsory subjects at school. It is really a blessing, but this system could make us stop wondering what we really want to learn for the future and might make it difficult for us to decide what we want to do in the future. In addition, I feel that many adults in New Zealand including teachers are really dedicated to their children’s dreams. I think New Zealand has an environment where kids are comfortable to pursue their dreams. Actually, I’ve seen many friends who have a clear vision for the future or who have been working hard to pursue what they are interested in although they haven’t decided their dreams yet. I also have talked with my friends and my host mother about my future plans a lot. Then, I realized that I just had been afraid to say to someone what I wanted to do because it might not be accepted by other people. That’s why when I was in Japan and I was asked “What is your dream?” I always answered “I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.” Yes, I was a coward. In New Zealand, people tend to accept other’s opinions even though they are different from theirs. They don’t care so much about the differences between theirs and others’ because New Zealand is a multicultural country, and they understand differences are common. This is one of the things I really like about New Zealand. There’s nothing wrong about having different opinions, different cultures and different likes and dislikes. I didn’t have to hide my dream. I didn’t have to try to be a part of the majority. When I found this, I felt better. I’ve come to think that I am going to be true to myself without telling lies to myself and hiding my true feeling.
My studying abroad life was full of new experiences. Everyday was very fresh to me and I felt as if I were back to my childhood when I tried many new things. It was literally an adventure for searching for myself. Now, I can say what I like confidently, and I am not afraid to say my opinion honestly to others. I love myself as a person who has my own opinion and is confident.
Lastly, I’d like to write about “SELF-LOVE”. I’ve been living with this word in my mind while I study abroad. I’m sure that my Eiryu friends also have as well. “SELF-LOVE “sounds so simple and easy, but I think it’s very difficult for us, especially young people, but we need it now. I don’t want you to misunderstand that self- love means “Just love yourself without caring for others.” This is just being selfish. After I came to New Zealand, I’ve learnt the importance of accepting differences and not rejecting or criticizing them. In my personal opinion, self-love means to love yourself accepting differences and being kind to others.” If you want to love yourself, you should love others as well and accept their likes even if they are different from ours. I reckon that lack of confidence in oneself causes one to reject and criticize others, which definitely leads to some conflicts. I want everyone to have more confidence in themselves. Please find what you like about yourself. If it’s a little hard, just ask someone around you who is special to you. Being confident is the easiest way to love yourself. I also want everyone to treasure what they really like to do regardless of age. Even if you get older, you definitely have things which make you happy and are special for you. Of course, I’m not perfect yet and I’ve been trying to grow as well. Thanks to my life with a lot of lovely warm kiwis who I have met in New Zealand, I was able to find my way to love myself. I’m really grateful to them. Plus, of course I really appreciate the support from my family, teachers and friends while studying abroad. I thank them so much.
I’ve learnt a lot about myself through my studying abroad. I’m still learning about myself like the time when I was little. I’m so excited about discovering my hidden possibilities from now on too. AND I really feel “I am living as me, who is really curious and loves trying new things.”
自分らしく生きる うたの
最後に、自分自身を愛すること、”self-love”について話していきます。留学生活はこの言葉と共に日々を過ごしてきたと言っても過言ではありません。他の英留の友達もそうであったのではないかなと思います。”self-love” は簡単そうに見えますが、実際は、私達、特に若い人達にとって凄く難しい事だと私は考えます。しかし、現代を生きる私達にとって必要な事です。皆さんに誤解して欲しくないのが、”self-love”はただ周りを気にせず自分を愛する事ではない、ということです。これはただのわがままに当たります。ニュージーランドに来て、違いを否定したり批判したりせず、受け入れる事の大切さを学びました。私個人の意見として、”self-love”とは違いを受け入れた上で、『相手への想いやりの心を持って自分自身を愛すること』だと思います。自分自身を愛したいのなら、自分以外も同じように愛さなくてはなりません。他の人を否定することや批判することは、自分や自分の意見に対する自信の無さが原因であり、必ず対立を生みます。だからこそ、私がそうしたように、もっと皆さんに自信を持って欲しいです。ぜひ自分の好きな所を見つけてみて下さい。少し難しいと感じたなら、あなたの周りにいる大切な人達に尋ねてみて下さい。自信を持つ事が自分自身を愛するための一番の近道です。また私は皆さんにとって大好きなことを大切にして欲しいです。たとえ何歳になっても、あなたをときめかせるものは必ずあるはずです。もちろん、私もまだまだ未熟で挑戦中です。ニュージーランドで出会った温かくて素敵な人々のおかげで、自分自身を愛する道を見つける事が出来ました。凄く彼らには感謝しています。また、私の留学を支えてくれた家族、先生方、友達にももちろん感謝しています。本当にありがとうございました。
From NZ (Rei)
Tena koe, everyone. Greetings from NZ!!
I am Rei from Cullinane College. All the cherry blossoms that were in full bloom have fallen, and now the city is all green. In other words, it feels like summer. Big Christmas trees and cute advent calendars are piled up in the stores. I wish I could spend Christmas here in New Zealand. At the same time, just seeing parents with their hands full of advent calendars for their children makes me smile. I think they can’t wait to see the delight on their children’s faces. What a wonderful atmosphere!
Today, I will introduce precious people in my life. My host family is a big part of my life in New Zealand and I owe much of my personal growth to them. My host mother is an incredible person and she is a great mentor in life. She is full of kindness, and very honest. She always thinks about others first, and gives me and them some help. Sometimes what she says could sound strict, but it means that she treats me as her read daughter. I really appreciate her advice because all her words are so helpful when I am in trouble.
Also, I like the way of her thinking. She always says, “Try first and then decide if you can keep doing or not.” Starting a new thing was not easy for me and I used to hesitate to try. Even if I was interested in starting something new such as barista, sports or piano, I gave up before I tried. I had a negative mind about myself. I used to think like “It is too late to start.” or “There are many people superior to me so I will be embarrassed.” But I’ve changed myself and I can think in a more positive way thanks to my host mother. She works as a teacher at school, and she must be tired after her work. However, she keeps learning after she finishes her work. She learns Maori, Tamil, gardening and sometimes knitting as well. She is keen to learn and try new things even after she graduated from school many years ago, so I really admire her. When she is learning something new, she looks so happy and she enjoys it. Now I know that learning should be for fun, not for feeling stressed about having an exam. I’ve realized how important learning is to make our lives more meaningful.
I believe that keeping studying is an essence of enriching our lives. Different fields of study will change the colour of our future. Through our various studies and new experiences, we mix many different colours. I believe that by doing so, we can live a vivid life that only we can create. We will not know what colour we will be dyed unless we try it. How interesting it is! Even if I make a mistake and add a wrong colour, I am confident that if I don’t give up and keep trying, adding new colours, my colour will always turn out beautiful again. Thinking in this way, now I’m not afraid of making mistakes.
My host mother gave me a big chance to renew my mind. When I return to Japan, I would like to be more aware of my privileged environment and study more diligently.
My host father is an extremely mild and gentle person. I met him for the first time only two months ago and started to stay together. In this short time, I’ve been able to find his beautiful personality, which I’d like to share with you. He likes chatting with everyone and gets along with new people so quickly. He always makes friends every time he goes out. He is so lively and full of life that I think his warm, friendly, and positive attitude attracts a lot of people. I suspect that he may be using magic.
He and I sometimes think about social issues that have been occurring in our daily lives. I have a tendency that once I think I am right, I often have a hard time accepting contrary opinions. However, he tries to understand issues and looks for solutions from various angles, taking into consideration the opinions that people in different positions may have. I’ve become aware of the need to first listen to others and understand their feelings so that I can think as flexibly as he does.
I am such a lucky person to have met my lovely host family. They always show me some hints to become a more beautiful person. I cannot thank them enough. I will never forget the debt of gratitude I owe them even after I return to Japan. I am grateful for the opportunity to study abroad, which has given me wonderful experiences.
May the future of all my precious people be filled with happiness.
Nga mihi mo te panui.
今、私はとても恵まれていると自信を持って言えます。 人生をより素晴らしくするためのヒントを与えてくれる素敵な人たちと出会うことができたからです。感謝してもしきれません。この感謝の気持ちと、留学での貴重な経験は一生忘れません。
From NZ (Satsuki)
Kia Ora, everyone! How have you been? I’ve been doing pretty well!
Before I tell you how my life is going in NZ, let me introduce myself. I’m Satsuki. I go to Paeroa College. Before I came here, I was kind of worried about everything about school since none of our seniors had studied at this school. All of my classmates, except for me and another classmate, had learned about their host schools from the seniors who had studied at the same host schools the previous year. However, thankfully, I’ve been spending a wonderful time at school with my lovely besties and teachers.
Now, I’m going to tell you the things that I’ve noticed so far. Firstly, I’m going to share what I’ve experienced since I came here. I have a bunch of episodes I’d like you to know. One of the things which I was seriously surprised at is that in PE or Fitness class, students don’t wear socks or shoes inside and even outside! I had never thought students in NZ take them off. On the first day of PE, we went outside to do some activities. Our sports field is covered with grass, but there is a concrete road between the changing room to the grass field. When I had to walk on the concrete road, I felt “Oh, my goodness! It’s scorching hot!” However, everyone apart from me didn’t look like that. They walked ordinarily even on such a hot ground. My feet were kind of burned. They hurt for a few days.
Secondly, I’m going to tell you my realization of how important people around me who always support me are. On the first day of my homestay, my parents in Japan sent me long messages to encourage me. While I was in Japan, I never thought I would get homesick. However, when I received the messages, I cried a lot, feeling lonely and missing my family back in Japan. I realized how much my parents were supporting me. By chance, my host mum noticed me crying in my room, and she listened to me. Then, she took me to the beach, which is 30 minutes away by car, so that I could calm down and introduced me to my host relatives. Anyway, I was very thankful both for my parents in Japan and for my host mother.
I’ve got only fewer than 20 days left. Thanks to my parents and teachers, I’m pleased to have the privilege of studying abroad during my high school time. I had been able to do manifold wonderful experiences every single day. Sometimes I was required to take the plunge to do something, but I endeavored to get through it. I’m looking forward to showing you how much I’ve grown up!
Thanks for reading! Take care, guys!
さて,NZに来てから気づいたことについて伝えたいと思います。 最初に、NZで経験したことについてです。皆さんに知っていただきたいことはたくさんありますが、私がすごく驚いたことの1つは,体育やフィットネスの授業では、室内屋外関係なく,生徒たちが靴下や靴を履かずに授業を受けることです。まさか靴を履かないなどとは思ってもいませんでした。初日の体育は外でのアクティビティでした。パエロアでは、土のグラウンドではなく、全部芝生です。更衣室グラウンドまでのアスファルトの道の上を歩いた時,「まじか。あっっつ!」って感じでした。しかし,現地の生徒たちはそのような風には一切見えず,熱い真夏のアスファルトを普通に歩いていました。私の足は軽く火傷しました。その後数日はずっと足の裏に違和感があったのを今でも覚えています。
From NZ (Ayaka)
Kia ora, everyone! I’m Ayaka. I’m living in Whanganui and I’m a year 12 student of Cullinane College now. This town has a lot of nature and great views. The time passes so quickly and it’s almost the end of my time in NZ. I’ve been living here a long time and I’ve realized that I’ve been changing a lot in NZ, so I’ll pick some and write about them on this essay.
First, I was living with my host siblings, who are in their twenties, and a dog, but my sister needed to move to another country for a new job, so I moved to their friend’s house. When I heard that I would move, I was sad and I expected that it would not be going to be good for me. However, I realized that changing the environment had also changed me a lot. Fortunately, I changed for the better. I’ve become more talkative, confident, and I’ve come to love myself.
Second, my way of thinking towards many things has changed. For example, when I have problems, I can think “everything is going to be fine” now. Also, I’m trying to make friends without thinking about gender. I’m sure that I was judging people based on stereotypes. The reason why I’ve changed is because of people around me. I’ve realized that everyone here has confidence in themselves and thinks about everything positively. When I was worried about myself, they said something encouraging to me, like, “You don’t need to be perfect. Be confident and if you feel sad, I’m always here for you. You’re fine.” I was impressed and I stopped thinking deeply and negatively.
Third, when I was in Japan, I was worried about being different from others. However, everyone looks at me as a foreigner in NZ, of course. Do you know that NZ is a multi-cultural country? There are so many people from other countries such as India, Germany, Brazil, Philippines and so many others. This environment has made me feel like “I’m different, but it’s good and I don’t have to adjust myself to others.” If I hadn’t come to NZ, I would never think like this. I’m so glad that I’ve got many friends from other countries. I feel like the world I used to see was small.
Living in another country is challenging every day. Jus talking with a shop worker when shopping or talking to a teacher takes courage. At those times, I always try to smile and be confident.
I am grateful to my family and teachers who let me study abroad and to my classmates who always supported me. I’ll never forget this experience.