



   Hello, this is Haruka from Central Hawkes Bay College. Only a few weeks are left! It’s getting warmer and warmer; I’m surprised how fast time goes by.
 I’m staying with two host mothers, Kerri and Tammy, and one host sister, Devyn. She was at Jin-ai last year and is still studying Japanese. They also have a fat cat and three dogs. They are funny. JJ I am a doggo lover so I often play with them.
 As I wrote above, I especially love animals in New Zealand. I had never cuddled a lamb before 🙂 My aunty has seven lambs and they are only a few weeks old. She has two baby cows , too, and they just look like dogs. Did you guys know that the lambs’ tails are cut off and kiwis eat them? It’s for making it easier to cut sheep’s hair and keep their bum clean. I’ve helped to do it before but am not going to upload those photos because it’s too graphic…
 This is a photo I took with Jolene and Ayaka when I joined a Kapahaka competition. Jolene was a leader of house, which was really cool! She is actually from CHBC. How is she doing at Jin-ai? We are good friends and promised that we will both study hard and meet in December. I cannot believe that I can see her in one month.
  I think I am blessed with good friends. The girls in the second picture are my besties and first kiwi friends. I got along with them in geography class. I’ll introduce them! Emma, the second girl from the right likes to learn easy Japanese words from me. She wrote me a letter in Japanese. Cerys, the leftmost girl always kids me about everything. The first Japanese she memorized is “Buy me a pie”! The middle girl is Alex who I talked to first. She is the girl who knows best how much I was unfriendly, haha. Lastly, the rightmost girl is Mikaela. I love how she smiles, it’s literally like the sun and is my favorite. They are reliable because they still belong and help me even though I was quiet and awkward. Me in the photo is smiling a lot, but I wasn’t even saying a word at first because I was too nervous to communicate. I was looking down and just taking notes, and I didn’t know how I should start talking with people. That attitude must have given everyone a conventional impression, even though I was the one supposed to tell around myself as an international student. However, I’ve got along with them eventually because my trying to make our relationship better helped me to fit in with them. The old me wouldn’t have done this. This is so hard to continue but I’m here to change myself, not to compromise on being lazy. Now they call me crazy not quiet, even make fun of me about how much I was awkward.
 As reflection on this study-abroad, I was caring too much about how people think about me. That’s why I was too scared to speak English. I even thought I could improve English by myself as I used to like being alone. I wasn’t interested in communication with friends and always gave up early because I knew I would fail in my relationship with them sooner or later. This cold personality caused my inflexibility in this study-abroad too, thinking that I don’t need to hurry for making communication better as long as I improve my English. I can’t waste even a day now thinking  negatively like that! This experience will be a great confidence in the future.
 Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed this long message! And I also hope this message will be someone’s confidence.


Best regards,


 私は二人のホストマザー – ケリー&タミーと、ホストシスターのディバンと一緒に暮らしています。ディバンは去年仁愛にいた留学生で、今も日本語を勉強しています。この家族は一匹の猫と三匹の犬を飼っています。みんな面白いです:) 私は犬が好きなので、いつも彼らと遊んでいます。
 上に書いたように、私は特にNZの動物がすごく大好きです。日本で子羊を抱きしめた事なんてありませんでした:::) 叔母さんは生後まだ数週間の子羊を七匹飼っています。二匹の子牛もいますが、本当に犬と同じようにしか見えません。NZの子羊たちはしっぽを切り落とされるのですが、キウイ(ニュージーランド人)はそれらを食べるのが好きだという事、知っていましたか?毛刈りの時に刈りやすくするためと、お尻を綺麗に保つためだそうです。そのお手伝いをした事がありますが生々しすぎるので写真は載せません…

