



 Hi, I’m Yui. More than 8 months have passed since I came here. I can’t believe I have only 2 months left. Time flies. I have made a lot of great memories in New Zealand. I would like to write about my life in New Zealand.
 Firstly, I’ll tell you about my school. I go to Cullinane College. This school is a Catholic school. We pray to God every morning. We have some religious events. Also, there is a church in my school. Around the time I came here, I had no idea about Catholicism and I was confused many times, but everything was new to me and I have had good experiences. In my school, there is a unique system called ‘kapai-card’. Kapai means good job in Maori. Teachers give us the cards when we do good things or we have good attitudes during classes. Then, if we collect 5 cards and give them to our form teachers, we can get chocolates. Also, from all those who gather 5 cards, 3 people chosen by lucky dip will receive McDonald’s tickets once a week. At the end of every term, the form class which gathers the most kapai-cards in the school is given a pizza lunch for free. Don’t you think it’s cool? My form class could get a pizza lunch at the end of term 3.
 Secondly, I am a member of the brass band of my city. I have practice every Monday. Anyone from adults to children can join the brass band team. I like the members very much. They are kind and always care about me. The time to play music with them is a lot of fun. In September, we had a competition. In rehearsal, our performance wasn’t good. The performers and the conductor didn’t synchronize after several minutes. Also, the pitch didn’t match well, so I was nervous during the actual performance. We tried to perform as well as we could. Our performance was very good. It was the best we ever had. Therefore, we got first prize in section 3. I was really happy. Actually, our team was disadvantaged. The members of other teams were adults or teenagers while our team had many kids. Even so, out of all the teams, our team could win. I’m proud of our team.
 Now, I’m really enjoying the time in New Zealand. However, at first, I didn’t feel like that. I faced many problems. For example, my English skills. I couldn’t catch what people said. If I talked, people couldn’t understand my English. I lost confidence to speak in English gradually and I was disappointed at my English skills. It was also difficult to make friends. I had never struggled to make friends until I came here, so it was a tough time. I also felt homesick. I always felt lonely. Even when I hung out with friends, I just stayed with them. I couldn’t talk to them because I was scared to make mistakes. I didn’t enjoy the school life. I even felt I didn’t want to go school. I knew what I had to do intellectually to change the situation, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I got upset by my own uselessness. However, one thing that I have concentrated on since I came here helped me overcome the situation. It’s to review my studying abroad every month. I write down things I have achieved or worked hard at and things I haven’t achieved or my reflections in my notebook. Then following that, I set three little goals. I have reviewed them at the end of each term. It was so helpful for me then. I could organize my mind by writing things down, so it identified what I did or didn’t during the month. I was able to know immediately what I needed to do. When I felt depressed, I would open the notebook and look at what I have done to overcome the difficulties so far. I was able to gain confidence in myself. When I was slacking off because of getting used to life here, I noticed that and it inspired my enthusiasm through reviewing. I learned reviewing is essential to succeed in my studying abroad.
 Finally, I would like to say thanks to many people. First, to my host family. They have supported me as my second family. They are a reliable back-up for me. My kiwi friends and teachers have helped me a lot. My Japanese friends and teachers cheered for me very much before I came here. I would not enjoy my life in New Zealand without them. Above all, I really appreciate my family. If they didn’t allow me to come here, I couldn’t meet great people. This wonderful experience is definitely irreplaceable to me and allowed me to grow. I am so sad to leave here soon, but I’m really looking forward to meeting you in Japan!

Yui Tanaka

 まずは、学校についてです。私はカリナンカレッジというスクールに通っています。この学校はカトリックスクールなので、毎朝祈りを捧げます。また、宗教行事があり、学校には教会もあります。はじめの頃はカトリックについてなんの知識もなかったので、戸惑うこともたくさんありましたが、どれも私にとって新鮮なことばかりで、たくさんの新しい経験ができました。また、この学校には「kapai-card」と呼ばれるおもしろいシステムがあります。kapaiとはマオリ語でgood jobという意味です。授業中に頑張ったり、良い態度を心掛けたりすると、先生は私たちにこのカードをくれます。そしてこのカードを5枚集め、担任の先生に提出すると、チョコレートがもらえます。また、週に1回、集めた人の中から抽選でマクドナルドの無料券がもらえたり、一番集めた数が多かったクラスは無料でピザランチをたべることができたりします。面白いシステムですよね。私のクラスもターム3(3学期)にピザランチを食べることができました。
