



Hi! I’m Erina from NZ. I’m going to Bream Bay College as year 11. Almost 7 months have passed since I arrived in NZ and we are halfway through term 3. I can’t believe that I have spent 7 months here already! In this essay, I want to talk about the greatest moment which I had in term 2.
On May 7th, we had a big event called Show Quest. It is a dance competition and we compete at the quality of dance with other schools. For the competition, year 13 students choreograph the dance. Any student who wants to dance in Show Quest can join in. I like dancing, and I thought this was a great experience to get to know Kiwis, so I decided to join. At the first practice, I was nervous because I hadn’t joined in such a big dance event before, but year 13 students taught us gently and the students were kind, so I could relax and enjoy the first day. We had practice on Monday after school and on Sunday for about 2-3 hours. As we practiced our dance, the choreography changed a lot and became a better performance. One time we had to relearn one whole dance, but we practiced hard to win the competition.
The Show Quest was held in Whangarei, which is about 30 minutes away from our school. We had time before the show started, so we went to town, watched other school’s rehearsal, and practiced our dance. The funny thing was when all school students who performed in the show gathered to have a meeting in the hall, a famous song was playing. Then, most of the students in the hall started singing along. I knew that song also, so I sang the song with my friend. I felt the sense of the unity even though there were students from different schools. It was a funny and touching moment. At dress rehearsal, we ran through the whole dance 3 times. Sadly, it was not the best practice, and we had some collisions in the dance. I almost fell upon one girl’s head! So, I was worried about the show, but because of these faults, we worked hard to find the solution for them. We continued practicing after the rehearsal. At 7:00 pm, the show started. Our dance was the last performance. We were so nervous before the show, but on the stage, we brought our hearts together and we tried our best as a team. It was many times better than the rehearsal’s dance. And finally, we got 1st prize! We got 8 other prizes, too! I couldn’t believe it. We shared jubilation as a team. It was a fabulous moment. Our dance is on YouTube, so why don’t you watch our amazing dance? I’m sure you will be impressed.
There are so many things that I want to tell you, but it’s too much to write here, so that’s all for this time. Through these 7 months, I have had many hard times, but also had so many fun times and experiences that I can’t experience in Japan. I’m so sad and I can’t believe that we have only got 3 months left to spend time with the wonderful family and friends here. I wish I could stay longer… But, with appreciation, I want to keep challenging myself by trying many things to make my study abroad a more wonderful experience. I want to make the best memories with my amazing family and friends.

Thank you for reading!



 こんにちは! NZに留学中の村北絵梨菜です。私はブリームベイカレッジに11年生として通っています。知らないうちに早7ヶ月がたち、3学期の半分も過ぎてしまいました。こんなに7ヶ月が一瞬で過ぎたように感じたのは初めてです(笑)。今日は、2学期にあった心に残る出来事について皆さんにお話ししたいと思います。   
そして午後7時、本番が始まりました。私達の順番は最後でした。発表までみんなで凄く緊張していましたが、ステージの上ではチームで心を一つにし、ベストを尽くしました。生徒1人1人の思いがたくさんこもった、練習の何倍も良いダンスだったと思います。そして、なんと私達は優勝しました! また、私達は8個もの賞もいただきました。みんなで喜びを分かち合った最高の瞬間でした。私達のダンスはYouTubeで見れるのでぜひ見てみてください! きっと感動します。

