



Kia ora! I’m Haruna. I am happy to be able to have Kiwi experiences in New Zealand that I could never have in Japan. For example, Kapahaka, netball, snorkeling, tramping in a mountain, staying in snow, and canoeing. Also, I am enjoying English conversation little by little.
I have been blessed with wonderful kiwi friends in NZ and enjoying time with them every day. My friends here are unique and always make me smile. Today, I want to share how unique they are!
Sometimes, people speak to me in Chinese, assuming that all international students are Chinese. Then, I want to tell them that all Asians are not Chinese, saying “Don’t judge people by their appearances.” However, I did that to others too. There was a girl who always glared at me so I felt scared of her and I never talked to her. But when I lost my way at school, everyone passed me by except her. She helped me. She wasn’t glaring at me after all. She was just worried about me. Also, when a teacher explained something, that girl asked me, “Have you understood that?” and then explained it to me many times. She also coached me how to row the canoe on the Sports Leadership class trip so that I could go in the right direction. I have learned not to be so quick to judge. From then on, I have realized she is a nice girl and we are good friends now. She cares about me even now, and talks to me a lot and invites me to many activities.
One day, my friend said to me, “Your smile is shining like a sun for me and your smile makes me happy every morning.” She hugs me and does a throwing kiss when we find each other. I get energy from my friends, too!!! I didn’t speak English well when I got here, but because of my loyal friends, I am gaining confidence with the language. I don’t want them to worry about me, so I keep in mind to make a smile enough to give them the energy to go on. I’m glad I started making this effort in Japan. I am helped by them many times. The other day, a boy in my class asked me why I don’t speak English well. At that time, my friends stood up for me and answered him “So what? Can you speak Japanese?” Thanks to them, I am getting to talk to him little by little, and the relationship with him is alright now. I understand through these things how important friendship is for my learning and my experience here.
 I am so happy to meet so many good kiwis at this school. They give many kinds of experiences and opportunities, and they give the courage to take a step forward. I love how they support me when I have troubles and when I get worried. I am here only a few more months, and I am already feeling sad about having to leave them. So I am enjoying school life with them even more, knowing I will soon be leaving.


