




Hello! I’m Seina. Four months have passed since I came to New Zealand. I have finally got used to the new environment and my life in New Zealand. I experienced a lot of the joys and sorrows of this study abroad. Also, I laughed a lot of times and I cried a lot of times for these past four months. So, I’m going to introduce my life and my experiences in New Zealand.

First, I’m going to introduce my host family. I’m living here with my host mom, host dad, host brother, and host sister. My host mom can cook very well and she is powerful. My host dad is very smart and very kind to me. My host brother is 16 years old, and his name is Morgan. He is interested in Japanese so I’m teaching Japanese, but it’s so difficult for me. My host sister is 15 years old. Her name is Dana and she has a kind heart. She always came to my place and said, “It’s okay”, a lot of times when I was crying. I am always helped by them. I love my host family. Also, my host family has a lot of animals – cattle, chickens, sheep, dogs and cats – so I can come into contact with various animals. My host family is Christian, so usually we go to a church every Sunday. It’s a new experience for me. I spend my weekend doing various things with them. For example, playing card games, chess, watching movies, playing the piano, making a cake with Dana, teaching Japanese to Morgan, helping with housework, studying English and talking with my host family. I can spend holidays and weekends with them so I’m very happy. If my host family were not this family, I wouldn’t be happy now. They are my important family.

Next, I’ll introduce my school life in New Zealand. I go to Dannevirke high school and I have English, Math, Science, Home economics, Music, Health, and ESOL class. Members are different in each class so I had a hard time making friends at first, but all my classes are fun now because I could make a lot of friends. New Zealand style classes are free so I can ask any questions to my teachers. Also, I participated in various events at Dannevirke High. For example, sports day, swimming day, camp, and cross country. When I participated in the cross country, my friends cheered me and we ran together so I got 7th in the race. I was so happy. Also, I’m joining a hockey club. I had never played it but Morgan and Dana are joining this club so I joined it. This sport is so hard for me because I have to run such a long distance and do so much training but I have a nice time with my hockey teammates. As you can see, my school life is full of excitement.

Studying abroad is not only fun. I had a lot of hard times and I have worries now in my study abroad. However, when I was homesick and crying, my host family and people from church supported me a lot of times. When I was worried about my English skill, my friends and my teachers of Dannevirke High said, “Your English is very good”, and comforted me often. I’m always helped by many people so I can live in New Zealand now. I found that I can’t live without the support from the people around me. I think it’s the best growth of my mind for me. I would like to continue my life with gratitude to the people around me.
Thank you for reading.
Love& hugs,

Seina Kato






