



Dear first year students,
Hello! My name is Yuriko Seki. I go to Gisborne Girls’ High School in Gisborne, which is in the east of the North Island.?
My school life is like a battle for me. When I first came here, I couldn’t understand my classes at all. Now I can understand English much better than before. My school has an International Room, where I often stayed and talked with Japanese students in Japanese during term1. I thought it was not good for me to stay there, because I had not come to New Zealand to make Japanese friends but to learn English and make Kiwi friends. So I decided to leave the room. Now I spend time with my Kiwi friends during interval and lunch time though I sometimes find it hard to follow the conversation with my Kiwi friends and I feel lonely.?
I take math, food technology, drama, music, ESL, and Junior International English (JIE). I enjoy these classes, especially drama. I didn’t like drama at first because I was afraid of acting in English. It was one of the hardest subjects, but now I am enjoying acting in English owing to the drama teacher. He has been so nice to me. I like all the teachers very much at Gisborne Girls’ High.?
I have some advice for you. First, learn by heart as many words as you can. I have had a very hard time speaking because of my small vocabulary. Memorizing new words is not so interesting, but it will be very useful for your life in New Zealand.?
Second, learn how to pronounce English words correctly. Local people sometimes cannot understand what I say because of my bad pronunciation. At school, some girls mock my pronunciation and intonation in English. At first, I hated it and I got angry with them, but now, I ignore them.?
Third, don’t worry too much about your future life in New Zealand. You may be told to imagine your life in New Zealand and get ready for it by your teachers, but it would be almost impossible. I think the most important thing is try to do whatever you have to do now and enjoy your life in Japan everyday.?
I will enjoy my life for the next six months. Please make sure to look forward to your life in New Zealand!?
See you soon,
Yuriko Seki
こんにちは。關 有里子です。私は北島東部のギズボーンという町にあるギズボーン・ガールズ・ハイスクールに通っています。
關 有里子