



I’ve been here about 2 months. At first I was homesick so I cried a lot but now I’m getting used to living in New Zealand. I can’t speak English well and can’t listen either. If I can return to last year, I want to talk with John, David and Natasya more and more and I want to study TOEFL more earnestly. TOEFL was a very important subject for studying abroad.
Now, I’m living in Whangarei with my hostfather, hostmother, 2 dogs and cat. They are very kind to me. I went to the sea to do sailing and swimming. The sea was very beautiful and I took many pictures. And I was walking the dogs with my hostfather. It’s good exercise for me and it’s really fun!
I go to Whangarei Girls’ High School now. This school is very big and there are many students. I haven’t made friends yet, but students are kind to me. Now I usually stay with two Korean girls. One girl likes Japanese animation and Japanese singers so I talk about them with her. There are many international students but everyone can speak English well so I think I have to try hard and keep trying.
Sometimes I miss Japan because I miss my family, friends and so on. But I think when I can make friends, I will enjoy my New Zealand life more. I don’t know how I will grow up in 1 year, but I hope when I go back to Japan, I’ll be more grown up than now.
私は今Whangarei Girls’ High Schoolに通っています。この学校はとても大きくてたくさんの生徒がいます。私はまだ友達をつくることでできていませんが、生徒達はとても親切です。今私は、いつも2人の韓国の女の子といます。1人は日本のアニメや歌手が好きで、私はよく彼女とそれらについて話をします。ここにはたくさんの留学生がいて、みんなとてもうまく英語を話すことができるので、私は一生懸命努力し、努力し続けなければなりません。