




Kia ora, everyone!! How’s it going? I’m really fine. I spend really nice days in New Zealand. I go to Otamatea High School in Maungaturoto. O.H.S is a very small school. About 500 people, from year 7 to year 13 students study together. When I came here, one thing surprised me. Next to the school ground and in front of school, there are farm!! I always see cows and sheep. Sometimes sheep are crossing the road and cars are waiting for them. It’s not a joke! I say it seriously!!! Maungaturoto is really rural. People here are in an expansive mood and we don’t need to hurry like in Japan. I like it very much. I can do anything I want. Recently I’ve started to do cross stich and play the piano. It is quit fun!!
I met and became friends with nice people. First of all, my host family is very nice. I’m always smiling when I talk and spend time with them. They like to talk and they are interested in Japan so I explain about Japan. Also I learn about New Zealand from them. I can know the difference between Japan and New Zealand from them. It’s really interesting. Also they take me to a lot of places and this house has a farm so I can look after animals. They have 8 chickens and 10 cows. I can eat fresh eggs everyday.:D I’m so happy to meet them. Second, my friends are nice, too. I made a lot of kiwi friends. I always hang out with three friends. They are very nice and interesting but sometimes crazy, though. No, just kidding, haha I want to be a friend with them forever and I can spend nice days thanks to them.
School system is really different from Japan. I can choose whatever classes I want to learn. I take English, math, science, geography, history, ESOL, and fashion. All classes are interesting. However history is really difficult. I always feel that I need to study English more. My favorite subject is geography. I learn mostly about New Zealand but last unit was about Asia. I knew about Asia more than the teacher so I’m proud of it. haha While I study here, I can know how people in other countries see Japan and what a big influence Japan has. It is the most interesting point, I think.
In the last term, Kana, who is my partner, and I worked as interpreters just one day. Do you know Kauri tree? It’s famous as New Zealand native tree. Tane mahuta, tallest kauri tree, and jyoumon sugi (縄文杉),the plant in Yakusima Japan, are sister trees. My city has a kauri museum. Tourists from Yakushima came there to conclude sister tree treaty. When people from Yakushima visited museum, we interpreted between the guide and them. When I heard about this work, I thought I would be able to do it because I didn’t have confidence in my English. However I could be an interpreter! It made me happy and I have confidence now but also I feel I need more vocabulary to tell more correctly. I think I want to study English more. This experience was very valuable for me. I’m going to go to a primary school to tell about Japan this term. I want to realize some new things there and I hope students will be interested in Japan by my speech.
I’ve had a lot of experiences during my stay here. I can feel a lot of things which I can’t feel in Japan. I can do these things thanks to my parents. I have 4 months left.I want to enjoy the rest of my life in New Zealand.
Take care!!?
best wishes, Maiko Doseki
こんにちは、みなさん!!いかがですか?私はすこぶる元気です。ニュージーランドで本当に素敵な毎日を過ごしています。わたしはマウンガツロト(Maungaturoto)にあるオタマテアハイスクール(Otamatea High School)に通っています。オタマテアハイスクールはとても小さな学校です。500人ほどで、7学年から13学年までの生徒たちが一緒に勉強しています。私がここに来たとき、あることにビックリしました。学校のグラウンドの横と学校の前が牧場なのです!ときどき羊が道路を横切るとき自動車がそれを待っています。ジョークではありません。真剣な話です。Maungaturotoは本当に田舎の地域です。ここは広々とした雰囲気で、日本のように急ぐ必要はありません。私はそれがとても大好きです。やろうと思うことは何でもできます。最近、私はクロスステッチをとピアノを始めました。とても面白いです。