



Hello guys!  I’m Itsumi Takamura.  Studying in New Zealand for about one year seemed so long, but in fact, seven months have already passed. You know what I want to say?  I really suppose “Time Flies.”  Therefore, I always try to spend my precious time in New Zealand carefully and lively! 🙂 
 I’m going to talk about my REAL life in New Zealand.  In short, I’ll tell you what’s going on around me now!  First of all, I’ll introduce myself a little bit.  I came to New Zealand to study English, make foreign friends, learn about myself and reconsider everything around me.  Another purpose is to find the exact dream for my future.  I mean, so far, I don’t know what I want to do in the future.  I hope to think about it step by step during my education here.  I live in Whangarei and I go to Pompallier Catholic College.  There are about 500 students including six exchange students.  As you can see, my host school is a religious school.  It means that all students are Christian except for some students like me.  In Religious Study class, we learn holy stuff, the reasons why people were born, who Jesus is, what the justice is, and so on.  By the way, there are many options of subjects to choose from at this school.  I take Media, ESOL, Sewing and Designing, Hospitality, Religious Study, Math and Biology.  Actually, Biology and Media are quite hard for me to understand because they have many difficult terms.  Moreover, I’m not good at sewing and cooking.  However, I decided to take Sewing and Designing and Hospitality because I wanted to try something I am not good at in New Zealand.  I always try to make myself better as best I can! 
Next, I’ll tell you about my host family.  They are so kind to me.  I have host mom, host dad, host brother and a cat.  All of them like kidding me! 😀 My host mom teaches P.E. at Pompallier College.  She always thinks about the health of our family members and cooks yummy and healthy meals!  My host dad is a calm man, and he always gives me good advice about my English, especially about my pronunciation.  My host brother is a really nice and cool boy!  Haha.  He loves Japanese cars and he is interested in Japan, so we sometimes talk about Japanese stuff. 
I have found many hobbies since I came to New Zealand.  One of my present hobbies is listening to music!  I never listened to Western music in Japan but one day, my friend gave me some nice Western HIP-HOP music.  I really loved it!  And I also like singing so I always imitate songs, checking the lyrics.  I reckon it’s a really good practice for me because I can understand what they want to say in the songs deeply.  I can read and speak English faster through reading lyrics of songs and singing songs as well.  My other hobby is dancing!  Afterschool every Friday, I join a dance club at school.  My friends and I can enjoy nice music, so I really like the club!  We are now practicing for the competition held in October. 
My next topic is about food in New Zealand!  What I recommend to you is wonderful and yummy snacks!  I like “Tim Tam” and “One dollar cookie” very much!  I always get them at the canteen or a supermarket.  I’m sure that most New Zealand sweets are sweeter than Japanese ones, and really yummy!  But I know they make me fat. Haha!  New Zealand’s iconic foods are Hokey Pokey ice-cream, Fish and Chips and Pavlova.  They are also delicious!  We can’t eat them in Japan, so I gonna miss them after I go back to Japan…  
As for my routine for English, I keep doing three things every day.  First, I keep my journal in English every day.  I like doing that because I can reflect on what I did on a particular day when I read my journal later.  Second, I always do homework and study English by myself using vocabulary textbooks.  It is hard for me to memorize many words but I can feel that it makes me tough.  Third, I always make sentences using the new vocabulary I learn on the day and say these sentences aloud to my host family.  They check these and give me advice every night.  It helps me a lot!  I appreciate my host family’s help. 
Lastly, I want to talk about the changes of my perspective after coming to New Zealand.  I used to have a narrow outlook on everything before.  In other words, I was set in my view and I thought I was always right.  But somebody told me it’s wrong!  She suggested I should listen to others’ opinions and make a decision!  Now I listen to others before I decide if my idea is right or wrong.  And also, I’ve realized how important my family, friends, teachers and Japan are!  I think all of my classmates have realized the same thing, too.  I still miss the people and things in Japan, but I’m sure I will miss the people and things in New Zealand after going back to Japan because I really like them!  I have only three months left, so I have to do everything I want to do here in haste!   At the same time, I can’t wait to see my lovely Eiryu members, my family, my friends and my teachers! 
Thank you for reading! xoxo 