



Hello everyone!  I’m Chihiro Yamada and I go to Pompallier Catholic Collage in Whangarei, a port town in the North of New Zealand.  It has been eight months since I left Japan. Time goes so fast!  It’s spring here in New Zealand now and the weather is really strange!!  It often rains in the morning, but before I go to bed, it is clear and I see a beautiful moon every night.  (I can see it from my room’s skylights.) 
I’ve read all the essays my classmates wrote on the web site.  My friends are amazing and their essays are great!  It’s my turn now.  Actually, though, I’m a little bit nervous about writing this essay.   There are so many things that I want to write about, but I’ve chosen two topics which are really important to me.  I’d like to write about “friendship” and “appreciation for the people who support me.”
Firstly, what do you think about friendship?  I used to think, “Friendship is a good relationship between friends.  Friends don’t disagree with each other.”  But in reality, true friendship is very different from what I used to imagine.  For example, I used to follow my friends’ opinions even though I didn’t quite agree with them.  I didn’t want to hurt them by disagreeing with their opinions and I didn’t like to argue with them.  In that way, I tried to keep a good relationship with my friends.  However, one of my friends, who always expressed her own opinion, changed my mind.  She kept saying to me that she didn’t understand what I was thinking and she kept telling me to say my opinion honestly.  Therefore, I started to say my own opinion.  At the same time, we started to have arguments every time we had different opinions.   However, the more arguments we had, the more we came to understand each other.  I felt our bond of friendship became stronger and stronger.  Now I can say my opinion more clearly and honestly than before.  Agreeing with friends without saying your own opinion is really easy but I’ve learned it does not always help build a true friendship.  I mean, arguments with friends may be the best way to develop a friendship.  In my case, I’ve argued with my friend a lot while I’m here.  
Here is one more thing I learned about making friends.  The most important thing to remember when making friends in a foreign country is to approach to others on your own.  I mean, you have to speak to others and ask questions because nobody helps you to make friends or understand the class.  When I came here, I was very shy.  Also, I was not good at speaking English.  For these two reasons, I hesitated to speak to people.   Since nobody spoke to me, I had no kiwi friends at first.  I knew I had to start speaking to people.  Prior to class I prepared sentences I wanted to say in my mind so that I could speak to the students in the same class.  All I had to do was to say to them the sentences I had prepared.  Although I was ready, I didn’t have enough courage to do it when the time came for action.   However, finally one day, I succeeded in speaking to a girl who always sat next to me in English class.  Now we are friends!  I did it~~!!  I’m really happy!!  
Secondly, I’ve come to appreciate the support of my friends and family.  I’ve cried a lot since I came to New Zealand because of many difficulties I had to face and worries about my future.   Every time I cried, my friends always told me “Stay strong!  Everything will be fine.”  At first, I didn’t believe them because it seemed to me that the fruit of my efforts didn’t appear no matter how hard I tried to overcome my hardship and anxiety.  However, one day, I realized that every experience had made me strong day by day.  Now, I DO feel that putting in one’s best effort will always lead to improvement.  I could overcome my problems thanks to the support from everyone around me.  Whenever I was sad, many people supported me and encouraged me.  Now I can say that I’m not alone.  Not only do the people around me encourage me, but also my classmates who are living quite far away from me.  I’m sure they are also trying very hard  like I do.  I really thank everyone!
By the way, how much do you talk with your family a day?  Actually I was obsessed with technological devices such as the Internet, a cell phone and an iPod when I was in Japan.  I always used them even while I was eating food!  In short, I didn’t spend much time with my family.  Therefore, when my Kiwi friends asked me questions about my family, I sometimes couldn’t answer the questions.  New Zealand children really love their family.  Living here has made me realize how important my family is to me and how rude I was to them.  After I go back to Japan, I will use those technological devices less and spend more time with my family.  If I had not come to NZ, I would never learn this lesson at my age.  I really appreciate my family always supporting me and giving me such a special opportunity of studying abroad.  Whenever I think about my family and friends, I always miss them and sometimes shed tears.  I feel that I’m always supported by everyone.  Although expressing my feelings with words is difficult, I want to tell them  “Thanks a lot and I love you.”
Thank you for reading.
Love, Chihiro