



Hey guys!!!  How’s it going?  I’m Nao Yamaguchi.  I go to Dargaville High School.  Dargaville is a rural town.  When?you look around, you can see cows even in the town.  The main street of our town is just about 300m, so you can walk from one end to the other in 15-20 minutes.  Can you imagine?  Sad to say, we don’t have any shops where we can buy clothes for young people our age in Dargaville.  Therefore we have to go to Whangarei, which is a neighboring bigger town 40 minutes away by car from here.  But it’s not too bad living here because we can go shopping and watch a movie with friends.  Fortunately, there is a store called Warehouse, which has everything from office supplies, kitchen utensils, house utensils to plants, CDs, toys etc…  If you go to Warehouse, you are able to get most of the stuff you want.  Of course, you can get clothes as well.  They are not fashionable, though.  
Now, I’m going to tell you about animal hunting and shooting.  Guess what!!  Speaking of animals, I couldn’t touch most animals, even dogs and cat before I came here.  I thought dogs would bark at me and cats would scratch me so I was scared of them.  However, I can touch dogs, cats and even horses, cows and goats now.  It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?  Moreover, they’re adorable!!  Anyway I’m going back to the topic about hunting.  Possums are the most famous target of shooting in NZ.  Basically, the hunting season is summer.  By the way, do you know possums?   They are like big mice and they came from Australia.  In Australia, it’s not allowed to shoot possums.  Snakes eat them, anyway.  On the other hand, in NZ, possums eat kiwis.  Kiwis are native birds in NZ.  Kiwis are tiny.  We seldom see them because they are nocturnal animals.  Their activity time is during night.  Needless to say, it’s opposite to normal people and animals?  That’s why we rarely see them during a day.  I saw a kiwi in the kiwi house when we went to Tepuia, which is a sightseeing spot in Rotorua.  The tour guide told us kiwis are awake for only 4 hours and it is rather difficult to see?them.  Fortunately we could see one.  It was pretty, tiny and quickly running.  It was a good experience for me.  Well, I?should go back to the topic of possums. I digressed from my story in the middle, haha.  Anyway, New Zealanders need to kill possums?to protect kiwis.  I’m still?wondering why there are much more possums in New Zealand than in Australia, where they were originally from.
Oh, I’ll tell a story about possums.  I used to stay in a house in a very rural area where there was nothing around.  All I could see were just hills, cows and their manure.  As you can see, the place where I used to live was what is called a farm.   I changed my host family so I no longer live in a farm.  The reason why I changed my host family was not because the previous host family had a farm.  Acturally, I loved living on a farm.  When I just started living there, I was astonished one day.  I left my house and was heading for the bus stop.  At that time, I saw animals lying on a mat.  I didn’t doubt at all that they were our pet dogs, which always slept outside on the mat.  I was going to?touch them as usual but I couldn’t.  Do you know why?  They were possums, not our dogs!  Since they were already dead, I was relieved a little bit.  But I couldn’t go past the dead possums.  Later, I found out that my host father had laid them there.  From that day, I’ve seen a lot of possums in a lot of places.  My host father often went possum shooting in the bush close to our house.  Every time he went shooting, he shot some possums and brought them back home.  He would take off the possums’ fur to sell it or make hats, socks and many other things. Then he sold most of these items to get money.  After he took off?the far, he left them in the garage.  The dead possums were smelly and looked weird because dozens of possums were there.  Haha!  In addition, we can often see possums on a mountain road at night.  They suddenly come running from the road side.  Occasionally drivers can avoid?them but when they can’t avoid?them, they run the possums over.  That’s why we can see dead possums on the road sometimes.  When I had the experience of seeing a dead possum on the road for the first time,?I felt?”Oh!  It’s terrible!” but it seems normal to me nowadays.
People in New Zealand shoot and hunt other kinds animals such as pigs, ducks, birds and deer. They go hunting for wild pigs.  They hunt not small cutie pigs, but big huge pigs.  Dogs have a keen sense of smell and they can find wild pigs.  While dogs bite a pig and hold it down, people kill it with a knife.  Also they carry the dead pig on their shoulder.
Secondly I will talk about the Rugby World Cup!!  The Rugby World Cup?is being held in NZ at the moment.  (I’m afraid it will have finished by the time this essay is put on the homepage.)  I watched its opening on TV.  It was absolutely beautiful and I was impressed.  My host family likes to watch rugby games so I watched rugby games every day on TV before the World Cup started.  Of course, we have been watching the Rugby World Cup games as well.  Do you know the NZ team, ALL BLACKS, is the strongest team in the world?  When I came here, I didn’t know anything about rugby except for the name.  Needless to say, I didn’t know how to play rugby, how many players they need and nor any of the rules.  Thanks?to my host family, perhaps I know better than other people now.  Indeed, I can explain about rugby with confidence.  In addition, do you know HAKA?  Rugby players dance HAKA before each game.  HAKA is a traditional?Maori dance in NZ and the dance looks forceful.  Originally it came from a war.  The dance was performed to make their enemies from other countries threatened and frightened in a war.  That’s why the dance is powerful and dynamic.  Other?pacific countries such as Tonga,?Samoa and Fiji, have similar dances?as well, but the dance in each country has its own originality.  I saw their?performances on TV.  Though I like all of them, I especially like New Zealand’s, which is way cooler.  In 2019, the Rugby World Cup will be held in Japan.  If you have an opportunity, you should go and watch real games. 
By the way, do you know Japanese team played in the Rugby World Cup?  As?you know, rugby is not popular in Japan.  I rarely have seen someone play rugby.  I reckon that if someone plays rugby, he started playing it in university, not in primary school.  In NZ, lots of boys start playing?rugby in primary school.  They start playing rugby much earlier, compared?with Japanese rugby players.  It makes a big difference.  Anyway, the Japanese rugby team is not strong.? It sounds impolite, but in short, they’re weak in the?world.  However, they have gotten stronger.? Eight years ago, when they participated in the Rugby World Cup, they got the worst record ever against NZ, which was 17-145.  This year they played four games and lost three games against NZ, France and Tonga but tied with Canada.  NZ and France were too strong for them.  They are two of the strongest teams in the world as well.  Miraculously, they will play in the final match this year.  GO NZ!!  The game between Japan and Tonga was quite good.  When Japan played with Canada, Japan was wining at the end of the first half.  But unfortunately, in the second half, Canada caught up with Japan and the game ended in the tie.  But I suppose the Japanese team has made big progress, compared with 8 years ago.  I reckon Japan has gotten stronger thanks to the coach who came from NZ and is an ex-ALL BLACKS member.  Apparently he used to wear no.11 and was the best player in?NZ.  I expect him to make the Japanese rugby team stronger.  I’ll bet they can win the next World Cup held in France 4 years from now.
I hope my English has improved like the Japanese rugby team.  I’m enjoying my NZ life with my?fantastic friends and extremely nice host family.  I’m so grateful to my?lovely and great parents for having let me?come here.
If?you are wondering whether to come to NZ or not, you should come.  You can learn a lot of things from a NZ experience.  Also you will be able to live a marvelous and precious?life and the life here will become permanent memories for you.
Thank you for reading. See you soon. xoxo
次に、ラグビーワールドカップについてお話します。今、ニュージーランドでラグビーワールドカップが開催されています。(残念ながら、この文章がホームページに掲載されるころには、終わっているでしょう。)私は、開会式をテレビで見ました。とても素敵で感動しました。私のホストファミリーはラグビーが好きなので、ワールドカップが始まる前も毎日テレビでラグビーの試合を見ていました。もちろん、ワールドカップの試合はずっと見ています。ニュージーランドのチーム、ALL BLACKS(オールブラックス)は、世界で一番強いチームだと知っていますか。私がここに来たときは、ラグビーについて名前以外は何も知りませんでした。どのようにプレーするのかも、何人で試合をするのかも、どんなルールがあるのかも知らなかったのは言うまでもありません。ホストファミリーのおかげで、今は他の人よりよく知っています。自信を持ってラグビーの説明をすることもできます。そして、HAKA(ハカ)を知っていますか。ラグビーの試合の前に選手達がHAKAを踊ります。HAKAはマオリの伝統的な踊りのことで、とても力強い踊りです。もともとは戦争から生まれました。戦争のときに他の国の敵を脅して怖がらせるために、その踊りを踊りました。そのため、とても力強く躍動的です。トンガやサモア、フィジーといった他の太平洋にある国々にも同じようなダンスがあり、各国の踊りはに特徴があります。私はそれらの踊りもテレビで見ました。私は、全部好きですが、やはりニュージーランドの踊りが一番好きで、他の踊りよりもずっとかっこいいです。2019年には、日本でラグビーワールドカップが開催されます。もし機会があれば、皆さんも、ぜひ生の試合を見に行ってください。
ところで、日本チームもワールドカップに出場したことを知っていますか。ご存知の通り、日本ではラグビーはあまり人気がありません。私はラグビーをする人にほとんど会ったことがありません。また、もし誰かがラグビーをしているとしても、大学で始めたのであって、小学校のときに始めたのではないと思います。ニュージーランドでは、たくさんの男の子が小学校でラグビーを始めます。日本に比べて、とても早い時期にラグビーを始めるので、大きな差が出てくるのです。とにかく、日本のチームは強くありません。失礼ですが、世界では日本チームは弱いです。しかし、強くなってきています。8年前にワールドカップに出場したときは、対ニュージーランド戦で、17対145というそれまでに類を見ないひどい点差で負けました。今年、日本チームは4試合戦い、ニュージーランド、フランス、トンガとの3試合に負けましたが、カナダとは引き分けでした。ニュージーランドとフランスは日本にとっては強すぎる相手です。世界でも強い2チームです。奇跡的にも、この2チームが決勝戦で戦うことになっています。頑張れ、ニュージーランド!日本とトンガとの試合はとてもいい試合でした。カナダとの試合では、前半戦は日本が勝っていました。しかし、残念ながら、後半でカナダが日本に追いつき、引き分けに終わりました。でも、日本チームは8年前に比べて、大きく進歩したと私は思います。強くなったのは、ニュージーランド出身で元ALL BLACKSの選手だったコーチのおかげだと思います。聞くところによると、そのコーチは、背番号11をつけていて、ニュージーランドで最高の選手だったそうです。彼が日本チームをもっと強くしてくれると思います。4年後にフランスで行われるワールドカップでは、日本は勝ってくれるでしょう。