



Hi!  I’m Maaya Nakamura. How’s your life going in Japan?  I go to Kerikeri high school in New Zealand.  I am really enjoying my stay. 

But when I just came here, I experienced a lot of hardship.  I couldn’t make any friends.  In Japan, I can’t stop talking because I have a sunny personality and I was  always talking and laughing even during classes.  And I always had good friends.  So I never worried about friends.
But in New Zealand, I couldn’t behave myself in English, and I was shy in front of strangers. So I couldn’t talk a lot.  I thought that everyone took me as a cool girl but I couldn’t get along very well with Kiwi students.  One day, I stayed alone at lunch time. I felt sad but I couldn’t speak to anybody.
A few weeks later, I was becoming myself in front of everyone. And I could speak to a lot of Kiwi students. Now I have my best friends.  She is funny girl so I always laugh while I talk with her.  I even can make a joke to her.  I’m surrounded by many lovely friends.
I could realise how important my friends are!!!!!  I’m very happy because I have a lot of lovely friends in Japan and New Zealand.  My Japanese friends are always cheering me.  Thanks to them, I could make an effort in New Zealand.
By the way, have you tried scuba diving?  I had never tried it before.  But I could try it in New Zealand.  It’s one of my valuable experiences.  I want to write about wonderful dive memories.
In water, the world is pink because most of the corals were pink.  It was awesome!!!!!  I watched a big ray, a school of fish, an eel and big star fish.  I wanted to watch an octopus but I couldn’t do it.  I cut a sea urchin and I gave it to a lot of fishes.  I could watch it in my face!!!!!! At my last dive, I caught three lobsters and I ate them after diving.  It was so yummy:) I thought I couldn’t try diving if I didn’t come to New Zealand.  I got a diving license!!!!  I want to try it in Japan.
These days, I experienced my first drama skit in front of the audience.  It was about anorexia.  My role was heart.  I prepared it for about a month with my group mates.
At lunch time, a lot of students and teachers came to the gym to watch our drama skit.  My friends came there, too.  I was so nervous from a week ago.  I could say my lines and did my role.  It was so much fun:)
After that, my friends said to me “Well done, Maaya.  It was awesome”  I was so happy:):)
At first, Drama class was so hard for me because I need to remember my lines and expressions.  I want to change the subject, but I always remember my ALTs.  They always said to us, “Drama is very good for your English ability.  You should take a drama class”  So I’ve decided to take a drama class since I was in Japan.  Now I really enjoy my drama class.  My class mates are nice and kind.  They always help me.  Drama is my favorite subject.  I’m really looking forward to next drama skit.
Soon, I’m going to join the school ball.  School ball is a kind of dance party held at  school.  It will be my first time to join it.  I’m really looking forward to it, too.
I could have a lot of experiences in New Zealand and I want to try more things.  6 months later, I will be special lady!!!!!!  I want to meet again with my family and friends with smile:)  Thanks for cheering me.  Don’t laugh when you meet my big body!!!!  My life is getting happy so my body is getting big, too:)
See you soon!!!!  Please good take care of yourself.  Enjoy your day:)