



Hello, everyone! How have you been? I’m Wakana. I go to Waiuku college which is located in a part of Auckland area in North Island. There are quite a few farms, and also you can find lots of beautiful nature everywhere in Waiuku. People in Waiuku are really friendly and nice. It has already been 8 months since I came to New Zealand already. TIME FLIES!!! I just can’t believe that I’ve been here for such a long time. It’s in the end of term 3 now. We have school holidays for two weeks from this weekend. It means that I’ve got just about 2months left before I go back to Japan. I’m wishing if I could stay here longer though. I’ll show you how much I love staying here ;-)!!!!!_>
First of all, I’d like to tell you about an awesome event that made myself changed. In New Zealand school, you can have heaps of events in each terms. At my college, we had a week called “cultural week” in term 2. During the week, we had some events for learning cultures or languages, such as Maori. The biggest event during the week was a fashion show, which was held on the last day of the week. One day, one of my friends asked me if I would like to be a model for the fashion show.  She was making a dress to enter the competition, and looking for a person who wanted to be a model for her. When I first heard about it, I hesitated it because I thought it would be embarrassing to be in front of many students on the stage. Just no way, I thought to be honest. However, on the other hand, I thought it would be a big chance to discover myself! So the other day, I volunteered to be a model for her. On the day of the fashion show, I was staying in the hall from the morning, and practiced how I should walk on the stage with some other models. At lunch time when the bell rung, many students came to the hall to watch the fashion show. I was staying in the back side of the stage while they were coming. I was already extremely nervous at that time. I could hear my heart beating. I was keep cheering myself,” Be myself and keep smiling! :)”  Finally, my turn came. I started walking on the stage with big smiles. I was introduced myself by a student and also about my dress that I was wearing. I could feel everyone was watching me curiously.  But I didn’t really care. I couldn’t really realize that I was really enjoying showing myself in front of lots of people. As we finished all the performance, everyone was burst into applause. I felt really happy and also got lots of confidence to be in front of people. I am not scared to be in front of many people any more even they are watching me! I’ve changed eh??;)_  
There is one more thing that I learnt really important. I learnt that to say my opinions clearly and also to get along with my friends. A couple of months ago, I had a big fight with one of my friends. It was caused because I didn’t say my opinions clearly enough. My friend was keep saying her opinions, and was trying to involve me into her side. But I still couldn’t say my opinions clearly to her because I didn’t want to cause any other problems between us. It was so frustrating that I couldn’t show my feelings well to her. So I started saying my opinions clearly to her. I realized how important to say opinions clearly at that time. We still have some arguing, but now I can insist when I think I should, even in front of kiwi students. _>
By the way, what do you know about New Zealand food? I really enjoy eating New Zealand food. There are so many yummy foods. Most of them are fatty, so not good for you though. haha I like L&P, which is kind of a fizzy drink, and tastes like sweet lemon. It was originally made in New Zealand. Last school holidays, I went to a place where L&P was made with my host family. It was really cool for me because I really love it!! There was a huge statue of L&P! Also, New Zealand ‘s got too many kinds of yummy chocolates! You can find it in every supermarket. They are quite sweet comparing to Japanese chocolates. I’ve tried many flavours! They are all too yummy! As you know, fish&chips are the most common take away food in New Zealand. Basically, they are fried potatoes and fried fish. Once if you tried it, I bet you would love it! 😉 Trying different foods is really interesting! So that’s why I put many weights since I came here…HAHA Don’t laugh at me when you meet me next time though! haha_  
When it comes to  studying, I really like reading books now. When I first came here, my host sister borrowed me a book called ‘Twilight”. It has 500pages. I had seen the movie, so I knew most of the story lines, but I didn’t think I could finish reading it before I go home. It’s because when I first started reading it, I found it really hard because there were too many words that I didn’t know. So I couldn’t even understand the half of the page without using my dictionary. I took for ages to flip pages over. However I kept reading it even I couldn’t really understand it well. I could feel I was getting faster to read, and getting easier to understand even not using my dictionary. Last month, I finally finished reading it. It made my confidence up.  I’m reading a new series that is called ‘Breaking down’. I can understand the story easier than before. I’ll continue reading it and try to read it as much as possible. _
 Lastly, I really want to say thank you to my parents in Japan and my host family in New Zealand. I couldn’t have such a big experience if they weren’t my parents.  I’m really grateful to them!! I’m sure I’m going to miss my host family so badly when I go back to Japan. _  
All I have to do in this precious two months is really easy. ‘ Try hard and enjoy’ ! That’s what I have to do! I really want to make the rest of the time here worthwhile !  _  
I still want to tell you a lots of things that I’ve done, but It’s going to last forever, so I’ll tell you when I go back to Japan! haha I’m glad if you can feel my life in New Zealand from my essay! Thank you for reading my essay!  See you in November!;) xxx_ _
P.S I have South Island trip with my class mates from this weekend. We are going to the place called “Wanaka”. Isn’t it funny that ” Wakana” will be there? haha I’m so excited to meeting my awesome classmates!_
勉強のことになると、私は本を読むのが好きです。初めてここに来たとき、ホストシスターが「トワイライト」という本を貸してくれました。全部で500ページあります。映画を見たのでストーリーのほとんどを知っていましたが、帰国する前に読み終えるのは無理だと思っていました。初めて読み始めたとき、分からない単語があまりにもたくさんあったからです。なので、辞書なしではページの半分も理解することはできませんでした。ページをめくるのにたくさん時間がかかりました。でも、分からなくても読み続けました。そのうち辞書を使わなくても、読む速度が上がり理解できるようになっていました。先月ついに読み終えました。そのことで自信がつきました。今は”Breaking down”という新しいシリーズものを読んでいます。以前よりも話しを理解できるようになりました。これからも読み続けてできるだけたくさん読みたいと思います。