



Hello. How are you? I am Yuka Ogata. I go to Otamatea High School whichi s in the countryside. There are a lot of paddocks (it is a meadow for putting cattle, sheep, horses and so on) around our school and house. I live in Waipu with my host family. Waipu is a little bit (?) far away from my school so it takes half an hour to go to school by bus. On the way to school there are green and green and GREEN and animals…., so sometimes I become sick of this. It is too inconvenient, but I love to stay in Otamatea. People are really nice and kind. I feel really sad now because I must say goodbye to them soon. I don’t want to leave now. 
Through my life I have learned a lot so I want to tell you about them. The most important thing that I realized is how important people around me are, especially my family. I learned that from my host family. My host family is really nice. They treat me as a part of their family and I have a lot of valuable time with them. I have host father, host mother and four siblings. I spent most of time with the youngest sister, Rachel. She is really nice sister. She is funny, cheerful, adventurous, and kind.
On the other hand, she also has bad habits and they bear to mine. In Japan I was really naughty to my mother. When she scolded to me, I ignored her soon and kept silent. Every time my mum said, “Don’t do that! It is really bad. You can’t do that in New Zealand. “, Even though I kept ignoring. Now I understand that she said that for me.
One day, Rachel did the same thing. She was scolded by her mother about her chores. She didn’t finish her chores on that day. She was always smiling, but her face turned to a blank look and she started keep silent since mum started getting angry. After that we spoke to her, but she didn’t say anything and just moved her head. I felt really sad and angry. I thought her attitude was rude and then I realized I did the same thing to my mum in Japan. I took terrible attitude. Learn wisdom by faults of others.・I have learned my bad habit from my host sister’s action. After Rachel recovered her good humor, I told about that to my host family. Then my host mother said, “Oh. really ? We didn’t know that because you had never been so rude to us since you came here so it means you changed. You came to New Zealand to study English of course, but I think you came here to learn something like that, too. You learned really important thing today.” They
also said to me, “When you go back to Japan, you must tell this story and your feeling to your family.” I want to say thank you to my family as soon as possible after I go back to Japan and also to my classmates and teachers at Jin-ai. When I lost my heart, their presences reassured me. Thank you for all!!
I must go back to Japan in one month so I want to tell my gratitude to my host family. I don’t want to regret like this story…lol 
Thank you for reading and see you soon!
こんにちは。お元気ですか?私は小形結香です。私は田舎にある Otamatea High Schoolに通っています。我々の学校と家の周りにたくさんのパドック(牛、羊、馬などがいる牧草地)があります。私はホストファミリーと一緒に Waipu に住んでいます。Waipu は私の学校からほんのちょっと(?)離れているので、バスで30分かかります。学校に行く途中は、緑、緑、緑、そして動物たち…。これには時々にうんざりにします。あまりにも不便ですが、私は Otamatea での生活が好きです。人々は本当に素敵で、そして親切です。もうすぐさようならを言わなくてはいけないので、本当に悲しく感じます。 私は今帰りたくありません。
私はここでの生活を通して多くを学ぶことができたので、皆さんにお話ししたいと思います。私が実感した最も重要なことは私の周りの人々、特に家族がどれほど大切かということです。私はホストファミリーからそれを学びました。私のホストファミリーは本当に素敵です。彼らは私を家族の一員として扱ってくれます。そして私は彼らとたくさんの貴重な時間を過ごしています。ホストファーザー、ホストマザーと4人の子どもたちがいます。私は最も多くの時間を一番下のレイチェルと一緒に過ごします。彼女は本当に素敵な子です。 面白くて、朗らかで、大胆で、そして本当に親切です。