



Hello! I’m Airi Nakai. How’s going? I have lived in New Zealand for nearly 6 months…Wow!
I live in Waiuku which is one-hour away from Auckland city by car. Waiuku is a small town and the population is only 5,000. I live with Petty family in Waiuku and I have host father, host mother, host sister, two dogs and one cat. I go to Waiuku College as a year 11 student. I’m having a wonderful time with my host family and friends. Today, I’m going to introduce my life and amazing experiences in New Zealand : -)
Last month, on June 5th, I had a chance to go to M.I.T.( Manukau Institute of Technology) which is one of technology schools for young people in NZ and has many kinds of courses. I did my assessment for cooking class in the kitchen there. As a test, I had to make hamburgers, chips and minestrone soup. I dressed up in a chef’s uniform and wore black covered shoes, a hat, a jacket and a trouser like a real one. A teacher, in M.I.T., was really strict and my friends who didn’t wear leather shoes couldn’t do their assessments!! Just shoes!! It made me depressed and I thought it was not just having fun. But the teacher told us that we have to follow the rules to keep our safety even if some of them may seem a little thing. 
Then, we started cooking. The kitchen studio was really convenient to use because there are good chips fryers and a big sanitizer. I worked with three other friends and my job was to make patties. I was nervous because I made thick patties last time and it broke. However, I did my best and challenged making a good one, and then I could make it this time! I learned many things through this experience. I think cooking is amazing!! It’s been my hobby since I came here.  Honestly, I didn’t help my mother’s cooking so often in Japan. I was not interested in it and I didn’t need to cook because my mom is a good cook. However, now, I try to make a dinner for my host family once a week and make cakes, bars or cookies on weekend. My mom in Japan may be surprised to hear that…. hahaha I study cooking from my host mom. It is good for my English. I always keep writing a translation of the recipes, so I want to cook them for my family in Japan when I go back.
I have also experienced a big school event last month….. It is the school ball!! I wore a purple shiny dress. My host sister goes to a hair course so, she did my hair set. She did really nice hair to me! I was excited to go!! The ball was held at a hotel in the Auckland city. At the ball, I danced with my friends and took heaps of photos. I ate delicious food. I felt like as if I came to a party of a movie. I had a good time. I wish I could have such a ball in Japan….. 
 At school, I study Japanese, math, science, home economics, ESOL( English for international students) and drama. My favorite class is Japanese class. The class has students from three different years; Year11, Year12 and Year13. I study with Year13 students and I help the Kiwi students study Japanese. The class is good for my English because after I listen to a Japanese conversation from CD, I have to answer some questions in English….. I want to be an international teacher in overseas, so I’m pretty happy to teach Japanese. I hope my vocabulary is getting better :- ) 
For after school activity, I have started playing soccer since April. I practice two times a week and play in a game every Wednesday. I had never played soccer before so I felt anxious to play. But, it is fun and I could make many friends through soccer. I often get hit by the ball or fall over on the ground…but I have to be strong!!
Finally, I want to say thanks to my family in Japan, my friends and my school teachers. My study in NZ is supported by these people and especially, my parents who have looked after me in Japan and gave me a chance to come here. They must miss me but I want to tell them that I am really good!! I want to study more and talk with many people. 
See you on November. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone:- )
P.S  I am getting heavy because of NZ food. Lol 
I love lamb chops which has a mint flavor….Everyone should try it!!
Airi Nakai
追伸 ニュージーランドのおいしい食べ物のせいで、太ってしまいました。私はミント味のラムチョップが大好きです。皆さんにも是非試して欲しいです!