



Hi , How are you?  I am Kana Miyashita. I have been staying in New Zealand for about 6 months and I go to Central Hawke’s Bay College. I found many difficulties so far but I am having a great time. So I will talk about my life in New Zealand.
First, I will talk about my host family. There are 4 people in my host family.  I have my host father, mother, two younger sisters, one big dog and one cat. They are really nice to me and nice family. On holiday, I go to my host sister’s netball game and rugby because my host father is a rugby coach. (Net ball is a famous sport in NZ. It is like a basketball) Also I often play with my host sisters. We often make origami. I should have practiced it more in Japan… So I suggest you to practice origami when you go abroad. I do not have younger siblings in Japan so I found having younger siblings is fun but sometimes makes me tired. But I am really happy about staying this family.
Second I will talk about my school life. I take English, ESOL, Music, Math, Food and Nutrition (cooking), History and Sewing class. They are really different from Japan. My favorite subject is Music. We can play musical instruments, write own music, sing, learn about theory of music and perform in front of the class. People in music class are really good at playing music. I have played the saxophone in front of the class. I am going to do composition with my friends and we are going to do rhythm session by using things which are not instruments. I haven’t experienced these things in Japan so I’m really enjoying the class. I’m also enjoying cooking class. In Japan, we usually cook with other classmates as a group, but here we can cook by ourselves. I have made meatballs, rice pudding, scotch egg, cakes and so on. I like baking cakes because when we make cakes we can get a whole cake. We can’t do it in Japan , can we? I play badminton twice a week and I am a member of the concert band. I want to try new things more. 
The other day, I joined music competition with my members of the band. We played a jazz music called “Take Five”. There are 3 saxophone players including me, a drummer and a pianist in our group.  During the show, we decided to act as a performance playing the music. It was like this….. When the pianist was playing his solo, he went to the other world and started to play in his own way. The other 4 people got angry with him and we walked off from the stage. Of course, we went back to the stage and finished the song together in the end. Can you imagine how interesting it was? We are from different countries and cultures but we could make a wonderful music together. Now I think it is true that music is loved by everyone in the world. Don’t you think so, too?
When I came to New Zealand, honestly I could not understand what everyone was saying at all and I had no idea what I should talk. Moreover, I am shy so I really had a hard time. However, to change the situation, I studied a lot of vocabularies and sentences which I can make a chance to keep a conversation going.  I have not improved my speaking and listening skills perfectly yet. But I think I am improving them even a little by a little. I hope I can show my improvement to everyone when I go back to Japan. 
By the way, I am in the turning point of study abroad. I know I should use my time much wiser. So I will try my best to change myself and grow up as well.
Thank you for reading.
Kana Miyashita
先日、私はコンサートバンドのメンバー達と、音楽コンクールに参加しました。私達は、ジャズミュージックの、「Take Five」を演奏しました。私を含めて3人サックスフォンを演奏する人、ドラム、そしてピアノを演奏する人がいます。演奏している間、私達はパフォーマンスとして演技をすることにしました。演奏途中、ピアノの演奏者がソロに入ると、彼は他のメンバーのことを忘れて自分だけの世界に入って演奏してしまいます。怒った私達は、ステージからおりてしまいます。もちろん、最後にはみんな戻ってきて、演奏するというストーリーです。どれくらい興味深い経験になったか、皆さん想像できますか?私とメンバー達は、国も文化も違いますが、一緒にすばらしい演奏ができました。「音楽は世界中の人々から愛されている」という言葉は、本当だと思いました。皆さんもそう思いませんか?