



Kia ora koutou. (Hello.) Ko Wakana tenei. ( I’m Wakana. ) Kei te pehea koutou? ( How are you? ) I’ve heard about the earthquake and typhoon. I was worried about my whanau. Hope you guys have been good. I got just a month left. That’s so sad. I’m gonna talk about some memories which I’ve had after I wrote the essay last time.

Firstly, I went to the school ball with my friends. We dressed up, got made up and went to the ball in a cool car. That night was amazing. In Japan, we don’t have the school ball so that was a cool experience. The students at Te Kuiti High School call me Wakanda(Forever). This is a character from a movie called Black Panther.

Next, let me talk about what I’ve done before. I’m on cooking duty every Thursday. And I’ve been cooking many kinds of dishes for my host family. I’ve cooked curry & rice, seafood pasta salad, tempura, okonomiyaki, monjayaki, omurice, temakisushi, pilaf, croquette, dumplings, kakiage, potato salad, hamburger steak and mac & cheese. I’ve tried some baking and sweets as well. I’ve made chocolate & marshmallow flakes, anzac biscuits, kumara tart, snow ball biscuits, brownie and parfait. Wakana can cook, it’s surprising aye!

Next, I’m gonna talk about basketball. Before going to the basketball tournaments, we had done some mahi such as tidying up someone’s garage, planting more than 200 trees, and fundraising at the Ki O Rahi competition. We could get all money that we needed to go to the tournament. Then the other night in Cambridge, I got a sprained ankle at the game and it was 5 days before the tournament. However, my ankle luckily got better quickly. That was my first injury in NZ. My coach strapped my ankle every morning. Then we had the regional tournament held in New Plymouth. We went to the restaurant and the shopping centre, saw the beach and Mt.Taranaki and enjoyed the hot pool. We made the nationals then. We participated in Schick Secondary Schools Basketball Championships 2018 held in Palmerston North. We played well there. Especially my 3 pointers…! nah it’s just a joke haha. My 3 pointers were on a highlight of day 2. I’m so happy with that. We came last, but that was a cool experience for us and I think it’s gonna pay off for the girls next year. I’m so proud of myself and my team. Our coach said so, too. We enjoyed the hot pool and sliders, shopping and the whole trip. When we came back to Te Kuiti, we were full of tiredness. However, we were feeling honor, too. Thank you all my whanau who have been supporting me through basketball. “This bond will never end.” I’m sorry for writing about basketball a lot, but basketball gave me heaps of wonderful experiences.

The last part of this essay is gonna be an appreciation. Thank you all my family, friends and teachers at Jin-ai in Japan and also my host family, kiwi friends and teachers for supporting me through this year. Without their support, my study abroad wouldn’t be a success. Thank you again and see yah soon! No reira tena koutou katoa. Thank you for reading.

Arohanui. Much love.
Wakana Omiya



始めに、スクールボール、パーティーらしきものに参加しました。ドレスを着て、お化粧をして、かっこいい車で会場に行きました。日本には、こういう機会があまりないので私にとって素晴らしい経験となりました。私の学校の生徒は私のことをワカンダ・フォーエバーと呼びます。ワカンダはBlack Pantherという映画の登場人物です。


次に、バスケットボールについて話します。大会の前に必要な費用を集めるため、車庫掃除(過酷でした)、200本以上の木を植えたり、他のスポーツの大会で食べ物を売りました。大会5日前の夜、練習試合で左足首を捻挫しました。しかし、大会に間に合い良かったです。それはNZで初の怪我でした。コーチが毎朝テーピングしてくれました。そして、私たちは大会のためNew Plymouthへ行きました。そこでは、レストランやショッピングへ行ったり、タラナキ山を見たり、温水プールを楽しみました。なんと、私たちは上の大会への切符を手にしました。そして、Palmerston Northで行われたSchick Secondary Schools Basketball Championships 2018に出場しました。そこでは私たちらしいバスケができました。特に私のスリーポイント…!嘘です(笑) しかし、私の3Pが2日目のハイライトに選ばれました。今でもすごく嬉しいです。私たちは最下位に終わったけど、コーチも言ったとおりとてもいい経験になったし来年のチームのための手助けになったと私も思います。私たちはまた、温水プールやスライダー、ショッピングそしてこの遠征自体を大いに楽しみました。テクイティに戻ってきた頃にはくたくたでしたが、その反面自分たちを誇りに思う気持ちでいっぱいでした。バスケを通してたくさんの人たちにお世話になりました。本当にありがとうございました。“この絆に終わりはない。” バスケについて長々とすみません。しかし、バスケを通してたくさんの関わりを持てたし、数え切れない良い経験ができたのには間違いありません。


大宮 和奏