



Hello, I am Karin Kano. I will talk about my life in New Zealand. About nine months have passed since I came to New Zealand. A rural town that everyone knows who lives in this country, I live in Taumarunui. The city has a population of about five thousand, and most people live on farms.

First, I am going to talk about my host family. I’m staying with host father, host mother, a dog, and a cat. My host father, Rad, is good at working with machines, so recently I fixed our house’s entrance. He loves eating. He always says to me, “Hey, Karin. Do you wanna eat this one or this one?” and gives me food. He makes me fat. He has a barbecue set, so we do barbecue once a month. My host mother, Vicki, is good at baking. She sometimes makes us peanut butter cookies and scones and they are superb!! Her hobbies are sewing and gardening. She is also making scarfs and taking care of flowers in the garden. Scooter, the dog, has become attached to me, but Seamus, the cat, is afraid of me. He doesn’t come close to me. I have two younger sisters in Japan, so I couldn’t get used to the new environment at first. But we are open with each other now. We often go to our friend’s house in Auckland and Wellington to stay. They love Japanese food, so I make it for them on Saturday nights.

Next, I’m going to talk about my school life. Unlike Japan, New Zealand’s school has four terms, and there are two-week-holidays at the end of each term. We can choose all the classes that we want to take, so we don’t have compulsory lessons because our school system has changed since this year. We have only three sessions a day, and we chose and take one class from about ten classes on Thursday and Friday. What I take are art, ESOL, girls’ gym class, and OED. My favorite class is OED. OED is short for outdoor education as its name suggests kayaking, mountain biking, and snow sports. I have been taking it since term two. But honestly, I worried about mountain biking. I have been afraid of biking since I fell off and injured my head, but I regretted not to join it first term because it was full, so I plucked up my courage and tried it. I was tired by peddling more than twenty kilometers up the mountain by bike, but I really enjoyed it. In term three, I was snowboarding in the Whakapapa ski field which is the biggest ski field in New Zealand. We put onesies or summer wear on the last day.

The event that I have remembered most is the school ball. I wore a dress, put on make up, and enjoyed dancing until twelve o’clock at night. My friend’s father arranged a convertible and took us to school.
Last, I’m going to talk about my friends. There are lots of international students in my high school. Even this year, two Italians, fourteen Germans, and three Japanese students are here. I hang out with them on the weekends. My Kiwi best friend is Jessy. She loves singing, so she joins singing events. Thanks to her sharing of songs, I am able to know a lot of western music.

I wasn’t worried about life in New Zealand before coming here. But when my life started in New Zealand, I lost my confidence altogether because I couldn’t understand and listen to English. I couldn’t say “Can I have lunch with you?” with the excuse for not understanding English. However, someone told me “Nothing will change unless you act from yourself.” My mind changed. I came to try everything. I will try scuba diving next term!! I will enjoy with full effort so that I won’t regret anything.

With love, Karin



最初に、私のホストファミリーについて話します。私は今、ホストファザー、ホストマザー、犬、猫それぞれ一匹と暮らしています。ホストファザーのラッドは機械いじりが得意で、この間は彼と一緒に玄関の工事をしました。あと、食べることが大好きで、いつも私に「へイ香林、これ食べる?それともこっち?」と食べ物を与えてきます(笑)。 彼は私の太る原因の1つです。BBQセットを持っていて、月に一度はBBQをします。ホストマザーのヴィキは、お菓子作りが得意で、よく作ってくれます。ピーナッツバタークッキーとスコーンが絶品です!!あと、裁縫とガーデニングが趣味で、マフラーを作ったり、庭の手入れをしたりしています。犬のスクーターは私によく懐いてくれるのですが、猫のシェイマスが未だに私を怖がって近づいてきません(笑)。 日本では私には妹が2人いるのですが、最初は新しい環境に慣れることが出来ませんでした。でも今は打ち解けられて、休暇中はよくオークランドやウェリントンに住んでいるHFの友達の家に泊まりにいきます。2人は日本食が大好きで、土曜日の夜は私が2人に日本食を振る舞っています。




愛をこめて 香林