



Hi guys, how have you been doing? I’m Kana. 5 months has passed since I have came to NZ. It has gone really fast and I can’t believe it. I’d like to write about my NZ life.

First, I’m going to talk about my host family.I have a mum, dad, two older sisters, and one cat. However one of my host sisters is living in Auckland to study at University, so we can meet just sometimes. They are really lovely, kind, and funny people. In Japan, I have two younger brothers, and I have always wanted to be the youngest, so I’m really happy:) My host sister and I do lots of things together. For example, shopping, baking and walking. My host mum is a kind woman and she always asks me if I am happy or comfortable. Dad is always working hard and sometimes says funny jokes. Also they are good at cooking, so I can’t stop eating and my weight is getting fat…hahaha. However sometimes mum and I go to walking. I know I should do it everyday…

Anyway, they give me lots of new experiences. Moving houses was one big experience for me because I haven’t moved houses in Japan. For the open house we dressed up the old house and cleaned everywhere in the house every week. In Japan I didn’t like cleaning and my room was always dirty, but I learned how good it felt after cleaning. Secondly, I want to share about my school life. I go to Pompallier Catholic College. To be honest I didn’t like the school at first because I couldn’t understand what teachers said, also I couldn’t enjoy conversations with friends. I was always hesitating with everything because I didn’t have any confidence not only with my English, but also with my race. I’m Asian, so people don’t want to talk with me. I know I have to speak in my mind. This situation was like this for the whole of term 1.

However the April camp gave me much courage and confidence, then after term 2, I tried talk to other people at lunch time, and spoke with friends and teachers in the class. Then little by little it was getting better, moreover I could go movies with my friends after school! When my friends asked me, I was really surprised and so happy!!
Next, I’d like to write about a word which I can’t forget. One day, my host family and I climbed Rangitoto in Auckland. It was not easy for me and I felt very tired. After that I asked my host sister “Are you tired?” Then she answered “Yes, but I want to challenge myself, so it’s good.” When I heard this answer, I remembered why I wanted to come to NZ, and that my goal was to study abroad.

I have had lots of good experiences in NZ. I really appreciate my host family, friends and teachers. Also I‘d like to say thank you to the people supporting me from Japan. The rest of my NZ life will be over in just 4 months, it’s not long so I’d like to keep challenging myself!!
Thank you for reading.

From Kana






