



Kia ora! How have you been? It’s Sakurako from Bream Bay College. Three months have passed since I came here. Time is passing very rapidly. I’m having a really great time with my favorite host family and favorite friends in New Zealand. There are a lot of things that surprised me, for example we cannot put money into most ATM machines. Anyway, in this essay, I’d like to talk about my life in New Zealand.

Firstly, I’ll talk about my amazing host family. I stay with my host father, my host mother, one older host sister and one younger host sister. Also we have four cows, two rabbits, one dog, one cat and a lot of chickens. My host family loves music, which is why they always listen to music instead of watching TV and also they have good taste in music. I love music too, so I ‘m so happy to listen to music every day, every time. They are very busy every week so I need to make dinner at least once a week. Sometimes I make Japanese food like curry and rice, sushi, korokke and so on. It’s pretty hard to decide what I want to make for dinner, but it’s also fun. My host mother and sisters make many things as well and those things are so delicious for that reason I can’t stop eating.  

The next thing is about my school life. I take Geography, PE, Math, Business, English, ESOL and Dance classes. We have to do our assignment tasks for every subject and of course I need to write in English so it’s still hard still now. I like class time, but I like break time more than class time because I can hang out with my best friends. I always hang out with seven girls and two of them are international students from Germany.They are so kind, funny and crazy, haha. However, the two German girls will leave here about two months later. It’s really sad for me because they gave me a confidence and taught me English. So recently, I hang out with them quite often not only at school, but also on the weekends. I will probably miss them very much after they leave here. Now, I like my friends and school very much. But actually, I really didn’t want to go to school during term one because I couldn’t talk with my friends so I felt lonely and I felt like I was just following them. When they talked about something I just listened them to their conversations. Of course I knew I have to talk with them in my mind, but I couldn’t because I didn’t have any confidence then. But now I can talk with people in New Zealand. I changed my mind after the April camp with other Jin-ai GHS students. At the camp, we shared our lives in New Zealand and got really good advice from Mrs. Oi. I learned everyone was in similar situations and we tried to find solutions for it. From term two, I started to talk with people much more than I did in term one. My English is not perfect and I make mistakes many times, but if I try to keep up with people’s conversations and try to speak, they try to understand what I want to say. So I love my life in New Zealand now.

 My host family, friends and teachers in New Zealand are as wonderful as my family, friends and teachers in Japan. My English is not so good so far so I have heaps of difficulties even now and things can be hard. I’m so so happy to come to New Zealand. By the way, I’m deeply thankful for my family, friends and teachers supporting me from Japan. Besides, I really appreciate my host family for having me. I have so many people who support me from Japan and New Zealand. I’ll keep trying many things from now on and I want to see you guys with a big smile about six months later. Thank you very much for reading.

Lots of love,









水谷 桜子