

From NZ (Ayaka)


Kia ora, everyone! I’m Ayaka. I’m living in Whanganui and I’m a year 12 student of Cullinane College now. This town has a lot of nature and great views. The time passes so quickly and it’s almost the end of my time in NZ. I’ve been living here a long time and I’ve realized that I’ve been changing a lot in NZ, so I’ll pick some and write about them on this essay.

   First, I was living with my host siblings, who are in their twenties, and a dog, but my sister needed to move to another country for a new job, so I moved to their friend’s house. When I heard that I would move, I was sad and I expected that it would not be going to be good for me. However, I realized that changing the environment had also changed me a lot. Fortunately, I changed for the better. I’ve become more talkative, confident, and I’ve come to love myself.

   Second, my way of thinking towards many things has changed. For example, when I have problems, I can think “everything is going to be fine” now. Also, I’m trying to make friends without thinking about gender. I’m sure that I was judging people based on stereotypes. The reason why I’ve changed is because of people around me. I’ve realized that everyone here has confidence in themselves and thinks about everything positively. When I was worried about myself, they said something encouraging to me, like, “You don’t need to be perfect. Be confident and if you feel sad, I’m always here for you. You’re fine.” I was impressed and I stopped thinking deeply and negatively.

   Third, when I was in Japan, I was worried about being different from others. However, everyone looks at me as a foreigner in NZ, of course. Do you know that NZ is a multi-cultural country? There are so many people from other countries such as India, Germany, Brazil, Philippines and so many others. This environment has made me feel like “I’m different, but it’s good and I don’t have to adjust myself to others.” If I hadn’t come to NZ, I would never think like this. I’m so glad that I’ve got many friends from other countries. I feel like the world I used to see was small.

   Living in another country is challenging every day. Jus talking with a shop worker when shopping or talking to a teacher takes courage. At those times, I always try to smile and be confident.

   I am grateful to my family and teachers who let me study abroad and to my classmates who always supported me. I’ll never forget this experience.








