

From NZ (Yui)


     It’s getting warmer and the scenery around me is getting vivid with flowers blooming. I can hear birds chirping more often. I feel spring has arrived already as my sneezes increase day by day because of hay fever. It’s already been 8 months since I started living in New Zealand and I only have 2 months left. I wonder how my family, friends, teachers, juniors, and seniors, who are reading my report, have been doing.

    When I look back on my studying abroad, I feel time flies so quickly. So far, I have participated in many things to seek new opportunities to challenge myself. I’ve done Kapa Haka, swimming competitions, cross country, drama performances, football and joined the meeting of Living Social Justice in New Zealand. These experiences have made me realize that being part of a community and having connections with others is important to live a fruitful and exciting life. I was able to take advantage of those experiences and take my skills to the next level. I started to engage in activities outside of the school, as listed below.

    First, I started learning the guitar not only at school but also after school from a guitar teacher, who is an acquaintance of my host mother’ s friends. I became interested in playing the guitar when my friend taught me a little bit about her own guitar, and since then I have been captivated by the guitar. After that, I went to a guitar shop alone to find the best guitar for myself. It was strenuous to start talking to the clerk all by myself, but I mustered up my courage. Through learning the guitar, my way of thinking has changed. I thought that I would have to follow strict rules when playing the guitar, but instead I’ve found that my guitar teacher teaches me how to freely express myself through playing the guitar. I’ve found the enjoyment of exploring the intrinsic fun of playing the guitar. I acknowledged that this is actual learning.                                                                                                             

     The second activity is volunteer work at the Native Birds Recovery Centre, where they rehabilitate injured birds. The centre is close to my house. One evening, I went there straight after school and got a volunteer position. I’m in charge of checking birds’ health and feeding them. The staff there are really kind and teach me many things. I’m enjoying learning about birds by visiting the centre frequently, and also meeting with a lot of lovely people including visitors who come here from other countries. Every time I see many people bring injured birds, I’m always impressed by how much New Zealanders are aware of being friendly to nature.

 Through this study abroad so far, I’ve learned the importance of “connections with other people” and “being proactive in seizing opportunities.” By being connected with others, I feel warmth, gentleness and kindness of other people. Also, seeking to take actions for a new challenge helps me find my self-value and gain confidence in myself. These memories that I’ve made are treasures in my life. I’m really lucky that I’m blessed with people around me and a positive environment.

from Pompallier Catholic College





