Message from NewZealandニュージーランドからのメッセージ

From NZ(Mako)


Hello, everyone! I’m Mako. How have you been? I go to Tauraroa Area School in Whangarei as a year 12 student. These days, hopefully, I’m getting used to the lifestyle here little by little. Although it still feels hard quite often because of my lack of English proficiency, all of my host family members always take great care of me.  Also, my friends at school give me heaps of hugs when I look worried. My host family and friends make me feel that I want to do my best every day. Today, I’ll introduce my host family and one of the classes that I’m taking at school.  
Firstly, let me tell you about my host family, my host father, mother and two sisters.  There are also three dogs, two cats, about 500 cows, nearly 200 sheep, three horses and 11 chickens. You can imagine how huge the farm is. Honestly, I can’t remember all of the places on the farm because it’s too huge. I often go and help them with their farming tasks. Of course I cannot do tricky farm jobs, though. Here in New Zealand, I can have lots of experiences that I’d never imaged in Japan so I love to do them so much. My host family is very funny, close to each other and noisy in a good sense. They quite often tease me and make me laugh. I’m trying to tease them back nowadays. However, at first, I thought I had a few problems with my host family. Then, I told my honest feelings to my host mother. She listened to me carefully. I think I was overthinking at that time.  
Secondly, I’ll introduce one of the classes, drama, which I’m taking at my school. Everyone knows that normal schools in Japan dont offer a drama class so I’ve got interested in the class. In the drama class, we actually perform dramas. In term 1, we acted out Shakespeare. It was written in old English so apparently it was hard even for native English speakers to understand the script.  It was even harder for me and it took me ages to translate and understand it. In the drama, I acted as a drunk man and sang in front of the large audience!! I was pretty nervous but I was able to make many good friends through practicing the drama, couching each other and discussing how to perform our drama better. Ive come to love playing dramas after taking this class so I recommend that Japanese schools should introduce drama class.    
To be honest, trying new things, going into a community that has already been formed and not being able to understand what other people are talking about are all scary and it takes courage. However, Ive learned how important it is to try everything even though I am freaking out inside. I couldn’t have realized the importance of being courageous to try new things if I had stayed in Japan. I appreciate the support from my lovely family and all the people who cheer me up while studying abroad I thank them very much for everything. I am very lucky to have this wonderful opportunity.  I have already spent more than three months here. I have only seven months left before going back to Japan. I feel time is flying so fast I’m going to do my best to improve my English by talking with more and more people and trying lots of new things 

Thank you for reading my essay.    
Lots of love, Mako  








From NZ (Mayu)


Hi, everyone! How have you been doing? I’m Mayu and I’m a Year 12 student in Pompallier Catholic College. It’s been almost two months since I came to New Zealand so far. My school is a really good school, and I have already made a lot of friends and I am becoming more friendly with my host family. So, I would like to introduce my host family and friends.

My host family is really kind and funny. In addition, the family structure is similar to my actual family in Japan, so it’s very cozy. I live with my host mother, host father, two younger host sisters and one dog. My host mother is kind, and she cares for me a lot. She plays softball in a local team, and we sometimes go to watch her softball tournament. She has a cheerful personality, and she has a lot of friends. She often takes me to meet her friends. My host father is funny and he always tells jokes and makes us laugh. He also likes to move his body, so he plays a lot of sports as his hobbies. He sometimes takes us to play golf and other sports. One of my host sisters is two years younger than me but she acts older than me because she cares for me a lot and teaches me many things. I like to take a walk around the neighborhood with her and our dog while we are talking. My other host sister is four years younger than me and she is as cute as my actual sister in Japan. She likes to sing and listen to music. She always gives me a hug when she leaves home to practice her sports. However, my host sisters fight with each other almost every day. Especially in the morning, they often fight about small things, and it makes my host mother unhappy and sometimes I also get involved in their fighting. So, we are all in a bad mood in the morning. But when we meet at school or after school, we wave and talk to each other, and we naturally go back to a good mood. Interestingly, in Japan, I always fight with my sister before we go to school, so it’s an integral part of my daily life and I’m very comfortable living with them.

Thankfully, I’ve already made a lot of lovely friends. So, I really like to spend my time with them during break time and after school. Especially, I would like to introduce my best friend, Sophie. She and I met on my first day of school. She talked to me in the first music lesson. I’m really happy to have met such a wonderful friend so soon. Since then, we have been good friends. I also have another special friend, Brenda. She is also a girl who came to New Zealand to study and she is from Brazil. We met on a school bus. She asked me with a smile if it would be O.K. to sit next to me, so I said “of course” and tried to talk with her. At first, I didn’t know that she was also an international student, but we talked a lot on the way to school and we got to know each other by the time we arrived at school. Since then, she has been my good friend to talk with in English. She is also studying English, so we can feel free to talk with each other in English without being afraid of making mistakes and we can enhance each other through our daily conversations.

Like this, I have been able to have a wonderful time in in NZ. I really love people around me and I’m full of gratitude to them. I’m really looking forward to spending more time with such wonderful friends and host family in this great environment from now on.


Thank you for reading.


みなさん、こんにちは!お元気ですか? 私はマユです。Pompallier Catholic Collegeの12年生です。ニュージーランドに来てからほぼ2ヶ月が経ちました。私の学校は本当に良い学校です。私はすでにたくさんの友達ができ、私のホストファミリーとの仲もさらに深めることができています。私のホストファミリーや友達を紹介したいと思います。



From NZ(Runa)


What does studying abroad mean to you? I suppose most people think it is for acquiring language skills, learning other countries’ cultures, or making new friends. In fact, I had thought in that way about studying abroad before I came here. However, throughout my nine-month-stay here, my assumptions about study abroad life totally changed. It is a wonderful opportunity to notice what could be difficult to learn if you keep having a normal life in your own country. Today, I’d like to share the difficulty that I experienced here and the values that I gained.
To begin with, I’ll talk about the biggest difficulty that I faced. Frankly speaking, it was communicating and making friends. To be honest, I thought it would be easy to make friends on the first day, but life was not as easy as I supposed. For a couple of months, I couldn’t have the good school life that I had expected. At that time, I didn’t have much confidence in my English. I didn’t dare to say something to people and I was frightened of making mistakes such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This anxiety led me to avoid communication, making me shy, and keeping me distant from other people. However, an encounter with some friends made me change myself. I met with them for the first time early in term 2. I still had some fear about talking to them, but I tried to talk with them with a bit of courage. I asked them, “Is it okay to hang out with you guys in the morning tea and lunchtime?” and then they said, “Sure!” When I heard this, I felt like I was released from some pressure that I couldn’t see. Since that day, my school life has changed dramatically and now I look forward to spending time with them every day.
Next, I’ll talk about two values that I gained here. One is that knowing myself well relates to having a better life. As you know, I struggled to make friends for the first few months. However, at the same time, I could learn about myself. Throughout this difficulty, I realized how shy and weak I was. I once again understood that I was super shy even though I had already known that I was shy since I was in Japan. However, I’ve overcome the difficulty. I’ve come to be more sociable and be able to show my true self not only to my friends but to my family as well. The other value is that studying abroad is a chance to know how much I am supported by the people around me. Sadly, when I was in Japan, I didn’t think about this because I had thought that it was normal. However, I missed my family and friends in Japan for the first few weeks, and at the same time, I noticed how much I was supported and cheered by people around me such as my family, friends, and teachers. I appreciate their support so much. Before I left Japan, my family and friends gave me letters and said to me, “Read them when you feel negative or have some difficulties”. When I was losing myself, these letters made me positive and gave me confidence and courage. I’ve noticed that people around me are a really important presence in my life throughout this experience.
What can be gained through studying abroad is different for each person. Of course, through my experience of studying abroad, not only could I improve my English, but also I could gain really important mindsets and values for my life. It’s not too much to say that studying abroad has been a huge experience for me and is a turning point in my life. I hope that I can make use of what I’ve gained here in my future life.
Thank you for reading my essay and I hope this essay will help people who have an interest in studying overseas:)))

みなさんにとって留学とはなんですか。言語を学ぶ機会、他国の文化を知る機会、または海外の友達を 作る機会と答える方が多いかと思います。実際、私も NZ に来る前はそのよう考えていました。しかし、NZ で9ヶ月以上生活してみて、自分の価値観が 180°変わり、留学は私が思ってもいなかったことに気づけ た素晴らしい機会だと思うようになりました。今日は私が体験した困難と私が得た価値観、考えをシェア できたらいいなと思います。
まず初めに私がはじめに直面した一番大きな困難について話します。単刀直入に言うと、コミュニケー ションをとり、友だちを作ることが難しかったです。正直に言うと、学校生活が始まる前、私は登校初日 に友達が作れるだろうと考えていました。しかし現実はそれほど甘くはなく、数カ月間、自分が思い描い ていた学校生活を送ることができませんでした。その頃、私は自分の英語力に自身がなくミスを恐れてコ ミュニケーションをとるのをためらっていました。この文法であっているのか、この単語で正しいのか、 うまく伝わるのか、このような不安が私を人見知りにし、他の人と距離をとってしまっていました。しか し、ある出会いが私の留学生活を大きく変えてくれました。それは大切な友達たちとの出会いです。term2 のはじめの頃に彼らと出会いました。はじめは話すことを恐れていましたが、少し勇気を出して話しか け、「一緒にモーニングティーの時間や昼休みを過ごしてもいいか」と聞くと、快く「いいよ」と言って くれました。それからの学校生活は一変して毎日が楽しくなり、休み時間が待ち遠しくなるほど友達と過 ごす時間が好きになりました。
次に NZ での生活を通して学んだことを2つお伝えします。1つ目は、自分のことをよく知ることがより よい生活につながるということです。先ほども話したように、最初の数か月、私は友達作りに苦戦しまし た。しかし、それと同時に自分自身のことをよく理解できたのだと思います。この経験を通してどれほど 自分がシャイな性格で弱いのかを知りました。日本にいる時から自分はシャイだとわかってはいました が、NZ にきてから自分がどれだけシャイなのかを改めて実感しました、しかし、この困難を乗り越えたこ ともあり、友達にも家族にも少しずつオープンな性格になったのではないかなと思います。そしてもう1 つは、留学は自分を支えてくれる人の大切さにも気づく機会になったということです。日本にいる時当た り前すぎて実感できませんでしたが、いざ NZ での生活が始まると家族や友達が恋しくなり、多くの人がど れだけ自分のことを応援してくれているのか、支えてくれているのかに気づきました。感謝しても感謝し きれないくらいです。実は出国する前、NZ で辛いことがあったら読んでねと家族や友達から手紙をもらい ました。実際にホームシックになり自分自身を見失いかけていた時にその手紙を読みました。これらの手 紙を読み、頑張って楽しもうと心を切り替えることができました。この経験を通して、周りの人々の存在 は大きく有難い存在だと気づきました。

From NZ (Haruka)


Hi guys, how are you? I’m Haruka. I go to Cullinane College as a year 12 student in Whanganui. I can’t believe that 9 months have already passed since I came here. I don’t have much time left here. That’s very sad.

  I’d like to talk about my life in NZ and what I learned through my experience of studying abroad.  First, I’m going to share my school life in New Zealand because I’m really enjoying school life. Our school is small and there are not many students, so everyone gets along and they are friendly to each other. I’m so happy to go to this school. My favorite classes are food class and sports studies. I had wanted to take these classes since I was in Japan. In food class, I made many kinds of lasagna, sandwiches and salad. Also, sometimes the teacher gives us opportunities to make chocolate brownies. I really like to chat with the members of the food class. In the sports studies class, we sometimes have practical lessons. We played rugby, ki-o-rahi, murder ball (only with girls), and long ball so far. I am happy to play New Zealand’s sports. I like break time as well. We have break time twice a day. I play four square with my friends and sometimes some boys join us. It’s quite fun. I think there is no wall between girls and boys. They are so friendly.

  Second, I would like to talk about what I have learnt in New Zealand. I have learnt about the unique culture of New Zealand and differences between New Zealand and Japan. I was able to find the things I had never noticed before in Japan and I’ve come to be proud of being a Japanese. When I asked people in New Zealand about their impression of Japan, they think that Japanese people are very polite and respect each other. Since I was born and raised in that environment and taught manners from childhood, I took it for granted. Also, they think that Japan is clean, that Japan’s toilets are superior, that food is great and that unique Japanese buildings are attractive. Once again, I think Japan is an amazing country. On the other hand, I can also see some disadvantages of Japan. For example, Japanese people are not confident in ourselves. Another example is that we are too shy and it’s considered that it is a virtue not to be too straightforward when telling our opinions. On the other hand, most people in New Zealand seem confident and they’re dignified. Also, I’ve realized that they talk to me like a friend regardless of age, even when I meet them for the first time. I love such Kiwi people.

  I’m glad to be able to study abroad.  This is a major experience in my life at my age. While studying abroad I have not only made fun memories, but also faced difficulties. However, I overcame a lot of challenges and went through a lot of experiences. That’s why I can enjoy my life in New Zealand now. I am proud of myself for having made the decision to study abroad and experienced New Zealand culture firsthand. These experiences will be my treasure and an asset in my life. I appreciate my parents for paying a lot of money for me. I definitely will miss New Zealand. However, I’m looking forward to seeing you guys next month.      

Thank you for reading my essay.   







From NZ(Ami)


Hi guys! I’m Ami. How have you been? I go to Pompallier Catholic College as a year12 student. It’s still chilly in NZ but I feel summer in the air. I can’t believe that I’m going to go back to Japan in a few weeks, and I’m so surprised how quickly the time has gone by.

I live with my host mother, father, two host sisters and a dog. My host mother has a lovely smile, and my host father is an interesting person who likes to tell jokes and watch rugby. My host sisters are fourteen and twelve years old. They are cheerful and always help me, and they are very good host sisters. Thanks to them, I can live an enjoyable life here in NZ. To be honest, I think it took me longer to warm up to my host family compared to the other students because I was over-concerned around them  and wasn’t able to be myself. I kept a distance from them unconsciously in my heart. I really wanted to get to know them, but I didn’t know how to shorten the distance with my host sisters in the first few months. However, I tried to answer their questions with longer answers, not just with a few words. Also, I tried to talk about many things and ask questions actively.  Moreover, I increased the time doing something together to shorten the distance. It was not easy for me to have younger sisters because it was my first experience. But I was very happy that they depended on me and talked to me happily. I feel glad that I can spend my limited time in NZ with them. I like talking with my host family the best while having a meal at dinner time. They introduce me to many people, take me to various places and give me delicious meals every day.

When I went to my host school for the first time, I was so nervous, and I thought I wouldn’t be able to do well from that day on. And it was hard for me to make new friends. I had a lot of difficulties and felt frustrated because I didn’t understand what the teacher and students around me were saying. I needed the courage to ask questions at first, but when I asked questions to them, they taught me kindly until I could understand, so I could get over it. Even now I sometimes need their help.   I’m grateful to them for always supporting me and telling me what I don’t know.  At school, I have had new experiences.  For example, I study Christianity, I played netball, and I joined some unique school events that I can’t experience in Japan.   I could make lots of memories here.

I think everything is hard when studying abroad and I think that fun and happiness will come after overcoming them finally. Especially, I faced difficulties such as language and conflict with myself. I got homesick in the first few months, and I had to get over many things.  However, I have grown mentally, and I feel more grateful to my host family, friends and the environment around me. I’m so happy to meet new wonderful people here.

Finally, I’m so thankful to the people who support me such as my family, host family, friends and teachers. I’d like to spend the rest of my time abroad without regrets. Thank you for reading!

Lots of love,





